Siting Experience Documents Only
Stakeholder Dialogue: Experience and Analysis
Stakeholder Dialogue: Experience and Analysis
The report begins with a consideration of the factors which have led to a growth in the use of dialogue processes, a clarification of key concepts and a classification of dialogue processes. A description of recent and current activities in Europe and North America is followed by discussion of the relationship of processes and contexts. This then leads to an identification of the key aims and evaluation criteria which will be used in the design of dialogue processes to be conducted in subsequent phases of the project.
Identifying remaining socio-technical challenges at the national level: Germany
Identifying remaining socio-technical challenges at the national level: Germany
This report was written within the EU-project InSOTEC ( which aims to generate a better understanding of the complex interplay between the technical and the social in radioactive waste management and, in particular, in the design and implementation of geological disposal. In a first step 13 countries have been analysed in order to identify prevailing socio-technical challenges.
Demonstration and Dialogue: Mediation in Swedish Nuclear Waste Management
Demonstration and Dialogue: Mediation in Swedish Nuclear Waste Management
This report analyses mediation and mediators in Swedish nuclear waste management. Mediation is about establishing agreement and building common knowledge. It is argued that demonstrations and dialogue are the two prominent approaches to mediation in Swedish nuclear waste management. Mediation through demonstration is about showing, displaying, and pointing out a path to safe disposal for inspection. It implies a strict division between demonstrator and audience.
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, Report under the Joint Convention by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Second Review Meeting in May 2006
Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, Report under the Joint Convention by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Second Review Meeting in May 2006
The Federal Government will continue to meet Germany’s existing international obligations, par- ticularly with regard to fulfilment of the Joint Convention. In submitting this report, the Federal Re- public of Germany is demonstrating its compliance with the Joint Convention and ensuring the safe operation of facilities for the management of spent fuel and radioactive waste, including the de- commissioning of nuclear installations. At the same time, there is still a need for future action in order to maintain the required high standards of safety and ensure disposal.
Other Countries Provide Lessons for US in Managing Used Nuclear Fuel
Other Countries Provide Lessons for US in Managing Used Nuclear Fuel
News item from NEI summarizing siting process for nuclear waste repositories in Sweden, Finland and France.
Expert Judgement in Performance Assessment
Expert Judgement in Performance Assessment
Proposals to site, construct and operate a radioactive waste disposal facility in Sweden will be supported by performance assessments (PAs). Such PAs will require a range of expert judgements to be made. As part of SKI’s preparation for reviewing SKB’s Pas and for conducting independent PAs, SKI has identified a need for further research on the treatment of expert judgement in PA.
From Risk Analysis to the Safety Case. Values in Risk Assessments
From Risk Analysis to the Safety Case. Values in Risk Assessments
The foundation for work related to nuclear waste management is laid by laws and outlines e.g. the responsibilities of the reactor owners and the state, as represented by the authorities. The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB), as well as Posiva Oy in Finland, were set up by the reactor owners in the respective countries in response to the responsibilities of planning, conducting research and to implement the physical structures leading to a safe management of nuclear wastes.
Review of initiatives addressing socio-technical challenges of RWM & geological disposal in international programmes
Review of initiatives addressing socio-technical challenges of RWM & geological disposal in international programmes
Reflecting on the Implementing Geological Disposal Technology Platform as a knowledge network and potential scenarios for stakeholder involvement
Reflecting on the Implementing Geological Disposal Technology Platform as a knowledge network and potential scenarios for stakeholder involvement
This report was prepared in the context of Work Package 3 of the InSOTEC project. The overall objective of this work package (WP) is to take a closer look at arenas where socio-technical combinations on radioactive waste management (RWM) are formed. The attempt is to illustrate the interconnections between the sources of different types of information and knowledge development with the various stakeholders having access to that information.
Public Values and Stakeholder Involvement - A New Framework for Performance Assessment
Public Values and Stakeholder Involvement - A New Framework for Performance Assessment
The objective of the RISCOM II project is to share the knowledge of the context of radioactive waste management in various European countries and to see to what extent it is possible to apply more widely the RISCOM Model (Andersson et al., 1998) in order to improve the acceptability of radioactive waste management. Thus, the project aims to promote the development of processes involving transparency, as well as means involving greater participation of the public.
Foreign Programs for the Storage of Spent Nuclear Power Plant Fuels, High-Level Waste Canisters and Transuranic Wastes
Foreign Programs for the Storage of Spent Nuclear Power Plant Fuels, High-Level Waste Canisters and Transuranic Wastes
Worldwide activities related to the storage of spent (irradiated) nuclear power reactor fuel and highly-radioactive, long-lived wastes are summarized, with a review of the storage programs and plans of 26 nations. The focus of the report is on the application of dry storage techniques to spent fuel, although dry storage of long-lived wastes is also reviewed.
Radioactive Waste Management Programmes in OECD/NEA Member Countries: Germany
Radioactive Waste Management Programmes in OECD/NEA Member Countries: Germany
A summary of the radioactive waste management program in Germany as of 2013, including the national nuclear energy context; sources, types, and quantities of waste; radioactive waste management policies and programs; research and development; decommissioning and dismantling policies and projects; transport; competent authorities; financing; and public information.
Performance Assessment, Participative Processes and Value Judgements: Report from the First RISCOM II Workshop
Performance Assessment, Participative Processes and Value Judgements: Report from the First RISCOM II Workshop
Quality of Decision-making Processes: Decision-making processes in Radioactive Waste Governance - Insights and Recommendations WP3
Quality of Decision-making Processes: Decision-making processes in Radioactive Waste Governance - Insights and Recommendations WP3
Work Package 3 (WP 3) set out to provide practical recommendations for the design and implementation of a “robust” decision-making process (DMP) in radioactive waste governance/governance of radioactive waste management (RWG).
Structuring local communities and development of local democracy for engagement in Radioactive Waste Management governance
Structuring local communities and development of local democracy for engagement in Radioactive Waste Management governance
Nuclear waste management from a local perspective: Reflections for a Better Governance Final Report
Nuclear waste management from a local perspective: Reflections for a Better Governance Final Report
During the 1990s, nuclear waste programmes in nearly every concerned country met many difficulties. Nuclear waste management was seen as a technical issue, and the local communities were only involved in the last stage of the decision-making process when almost all components of the decision were already fixed. The management of high level radioactive waste is now recognised as a complex decision-making process entailing technical, ethical, social, political and economic dimensions where no solution can be reached solely on the basis of technical considerations.
Socio-Technical Challenges to Implementing Geological Disposal: a Synthesis of Findings from 14 Countries
Socio-Technical Challenges to Implementing Geological Disposal: a Synthesis of Findings from 14 Countries
This report aims to clarify the dynamics of socio-technical challenges in the implementation of geological disposal (GD) for High Level Waste (HLW) and Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF). Drawing on the 14 country reports produced within InSOTEC’s WP1 the synthesis focuses on socio-technical challenges that appear across national contexts. The synthesis report elucidates issues made visible through bringing together the analyses of different national contexts.
European Union Contract Number: FP6-036413. Deliverable 22. ARGONA Project, Suggested Guidelines for Transparency and Participation in Nuclear Waste Management Programmes
European Union Contract Number: FP6-036413. Deliverable 22. ARGONA Project, Suggested Guidelines for Transparency and Participation in Nuclear Waste Management Programmes
These proposed guidelines are recommendations that have emerged from the European Union Research Project ARGONA (Arenas for Risk Governance), Contract no.: FP6-036413
RD&D-Programme 98 Treatment and final disposal of nuclear waste Programme for research, development and demonstration of encapsulation and geological disposal
RD&D-Programme 98 Treatment and final disposal of nuclear waste Programme for research, development and demonstration of encapsulation and geological disposal
During the next few years, SKB will add the results of county studies and additional feasibility studies to the background data for siting of the deep repository. We plan to be able to choose at least two sites for site investigations in 2001. The investigations, which will include test drillings, should be able to be started in 2002. An important milestone will thereby be passed in the siting work.<br/><br/>The technology for deep disposal will be tested on full scale at our laboratories in Oskarshamn.
Treatment and final disposal of nuclear waste Programme for research, development, demonstration and other measures
Treatment and final disposal of nuclear waste Programme for research, development, demonstration and other measures
The goal of radioactive waste management in Sweden is to dispose of all radioactive waste products generated at the Swedish nuclear power plants in a safe manner. Furthermore, all other radioactive waste that arises in Sweden shall be safely disposed of. The Act on Nuclear Activities /1-1/ requires that the owners of the Swedish nuclear power plants adopt the measures that are needed to achieve this goal. The owners of the Swedish nuclear power plants have commissioned the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) to implement the measures that are needed.
Treatment and final disposal of nuclear waste: Programme for encapsulation, deep geological disposal, and research, development and demonstration: Ch 1 - 5
Treatment and final disposal of nuclear waste: Programme for encapsulation, deep geological disposal, and research, development and demonstration: Ch 1 - 5
In RD&D-Programme 92, SKB presented a partially new strategy for its activities. The new strategy entailed a focusing and concentration on the implementation of deep disposal of a limited quantity (about 800 tonnes) of encapsulated spent nuclear fuel during the coming 20-year period. Following this initial deposition, the results of the work will be evaluated, and only then will a decision be taken as to how and when regular deposition of the main body of the fuel and other long-lived nuclear waste will take place.
Site selection - Siting of the Final Repository for Spent Nuclear Fuel
Site selection - Siting of the Final Repository for Spent Nuclear Fuel
SKB has selected Forsmark as the site for the final repository for spent nuclear fuel. The site selection<br/>is the end result of an extensive siting process that began in the early 1990s. The strategy and<br/>plan for the work was based on experience from investigations and development work over a period<br/>of more than ten years prior to then.<br/>This document describes the siting work and SKB’s choice of site for the final repository.