Siting Experience Overview
In January 2012, the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (BRC) recommended that the United States adopt a new approach to siting and developing nuclear waste management and disposal facilities. This process should be consent-based, transparent, phased, adaptive, standards- and science-based, and governed by partnership arrangements. Such a process has been used successfully in the past, and the BRC believes that this type of approach can provide the flexibility and sustain the public trust and confidence needed to see controversial facilities through to completion. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) responded to these recommendations in January 2013, and endorsed the key principles that underpin the BRC's recommendations.
To ensure that future siting efforts are informed by past experience, the BRC further recommended that DOE establish a database of experience gained and relevant documentation produced in efforts to site nuclear waste facilities, both in the United States and abroad. The Siting Experience Database implements this recommendation by providing an archive of documentation on national and international efforts to site nuclear waste facilities. These documents can be accessed from the content links below or by using the site search capabilities.
To access all the documents for the Siting Experience Database (SED), click here.
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