Spent Nuclear Fuel Package Performance Demonstration (PPD) Information for Tribes
This is the DOE PPD flyer for Tribes.
Spent Nuclear Fuel Package Performance Demonstration (PPD) Information for Stakeholders
This is the DOE PPD flyer for stakeholders
Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future (Blue Ribbon Commission, 2012)
The full text of the Blue Ribbon Commission report that supported the development of initiatives like Consent-Based Siting (CBS). This report was commissioned after the pause on Yucca Mountain.
Blue Ribbon Commission Final Report: Status of Relevant Nuclear Regulatory Commission Activities (Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, 2012)
A document written by the Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards detailing the NRC-specific recommendations that stemmed from the Blue Ribbon Commission report on America’s Nuclear Future.
Risk-Informed Regulation Implementation Plan (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2000)
A document written by the NRC detailing a risk-informed approach for executing its Strategic Plan. It describes the development of the risk-informed activities and lays out implementation plans related to rulemaking, safety procedures, and licensing. It highlights accomplishments related to this plan.
Nuclear Waste Policy Act, as amended (DOE, 2004)
The full text of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA), including all amendments to date. The NWPA is the guiding Congressional Act that guides the development of long-term spent nuclear fuel storage.
Security of Fuel in Transit (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
A flyer by the NRC that describes security measures and related logistics applied to spent fuel in transit. It explains the agencies involved and major responsibilities of each as well as notable safety practices required by NRC regulations.
Diagram and Description of Typical Spent Fuel Transportation Casks—Generic Truck Cask and Generic Rail Cask (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
A single-page document by the NRC that consists of detailed diagrams of spent fuel transportation casks. The diagrams show cutaways of generic truck and rail casks which each component is identified and describes the dimensions, weight, and capacity.
Backgrounder on High Burnup Spent Nuclear Fuel (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2018)
A brief document by the NRC that briefly describes the lifecycle of nuclear fuel, focusing on the concept of “burnup.” It explains what burnup is and how it’s evaluated, why it’s important, what storage and transportation implications may be, and what R&D is being done to support working with high burnup fuel.
Backgrounder on Dry Cask Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2023)
A brief document by the NRC that broadly describes the usage and storage lifecycle of nuclear fuel. The main focus is on the transition from the spent fuel pool to dry storage and explains why dry storage is necessary, how casks are licensed, and the safety, radioactive, and thermal components of dry cask storage.