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Spent Nuclear Fuel Package Performance Demonstration (PPD)
Managing Spent Nuclear Fuel

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Security of Fuel in Transit (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

Security of Fuel in Transit (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)


A flyer by the NRC that describes security measures and related logistics applied to spent fuel in transit. It explains the agencies involved and major responsibilities of each as well as notable safety practices required by NRC regulations.

Backgrounder on Radioactive Waste

Backgrounder on Radioactive Waste (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2024)


A brief document by the NRC explaining the various types and levels of radioactive waste regulated by the NRC. It describes the radiological behavior of nuclear materials and how that influences how the waste is handled and what safety considerations are present. It also describes the responsibilities of the NRC, DOE, EPA, DOT, and DOI are where radioactive waste is concerned.

Backgrounder on Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Backgrounder on Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2019)


A brief document by the NRC that gives a slightly more detailed explanation of the physical components of spent fuel storage. This document includes diagrams and photographs illustrating fuel rods and assemblies, a storage pool, the construction of dry casks, and an ISFSI. It describes the safety, radiological, and thermal performance of each storage type.

Screenshot of website homepage

Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition for the Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE, 2024)


DOE-NE’s website explaining the Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition (SFWD) Initiative. It explains the difference between differences between the Spent Fuel & Waste Science and Technology (SFWST) and Integrated Waste Management (IWM) offices, describes the activities undertaken by the initiative, and describes current priorities and R&D activities.

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