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Replacing mining jobs with a nuclear waste facility? Those in leadership have mixed feelings - KSUT Public Radio
Where will nuclear waste go? A quiet effort is underway to bring it to rural Colorado - KUER 90.1
Kuril Islands dispute: A lingering conflict between Japan and Russia - News.Az
Japan wont ask for Russian islands for joint nuclear waste disposal ᐉ News from - World - Факти
Neighbors upset over storage plan for nuclear waste in Yamaguchi - 朝日新聞
Nuclear waste. AUKUS agency’s reckless indifference - Michael West News
N. M. DOJ Filed Amicus Brief to Prevent Storage of Nuclear Waste in Permian Basin - NewsBreak
Many states have resisted nuclear waste storage plans. Northwest Colorado is opening the door - KSUT Public Radio
Lawmakers say no to storing nuclear waste in Wyoming - Wyoming Tribune
Harnessing nuclear waste to advance cancer treatments - Labmate Online
NWO Indigenous opposition to nuclear waste storage site highlighted in report -
Cumbrian sites shortlisted for nuclear waste disposal - in-cumbria
Many states have resisted nuclear waste storage plans. Northwest Colorado is quietly opening the door - Wyoming Public Media
Search underway to find suitable underground sites to bury hazardous nuclear waste - E&T Magazine
Sellafield nuclear waste rail wagons crash spark ONR notice - BBC
Sellafield nuclear waste rail wagons crash spark ONR notice -
The Looming AI Energy Crisis - Scientific American
Lawmakers say no to storing nuclear waste in Wyoming - Casper Star-Tribune
Lawmakers say no to storing nuclear waste in Wyoming - Wyoming Tribune
Interim Storage Facility in Japan to Accept N-Fuel from JAPC; 1st Time for Facility to Accept Spent N-Fuel from Firm Other Than TEPCO - The Japan News
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