Siting Experience Documents Only
Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation
Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation
Over the past forty years, the development of the technology needed to isolate radioactive waste in underground rock systems has been found to be a formidable problem. This is especially the case in connection with high-level waste (HLW) after its removal from operations in nuclear power plants. There is also the additional problem of isolating low- and intermediate-level waste (LILW).
10-year Record of Learning Factual List of Activities and Investigated Topics, and of People Who Contributed to Them
The Partnership Approach to Siting and Developing Radioactive Waste Management Facilities
The Partnership Approach to Siting and Developing Radioactive Waste Management Facilities
History shows that the search for sites for radioactive waste management facilities has been marred by conflicts and delays. Affected communities have often objected that their concerns and interests were not addressed. In response, institutions have progressively turned away from the traditional “decide, announce and defend” model, and are learning to “engage, interact and co-operate”. This shift has fostered the emergence of partnerships between the proponent of the facility and the potential host community, as shown in a recent NEA study.
From Information and Consultation to Citizen Influence and Power: 10-year Evolution in Public Involvement in Radioactive Waste Management
United Arab Emirates, First National Report on Compliance with the Obligations of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
United Arab Emirates, First National Report on Compliance with the Obligations of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
A.1 This is the United Arab Emirates (UAE) first national report on compliance with the obligations of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (the Joint Convention). The UAE deposited its instrument of accession to the Joint Convention on 31 July 2009 and under Article (40) the Joint Convention entered into force for the UAE 90 days later on 29 October 2009. A.2 The report describes the basic policy and legal framework being established by the UAE for spent fuel management and radioactive waste management.
OECD/NEA: Mexico
OECD/NEA: Mexico
Foreign Programs for the Storage of Spent Nuclear Power Plant Fuels, High-Level Waste Canisters and Transuranic Wastes
Foreign Programs for the Storage of Spent Nuclear Power Plant Fuels, High-Level Waste Canisters and Transuranic Wastes
Worldwide activities related to the storage of spent (irradiated) nuclear power reactor fuel and highly-radioactive, long-lived wastes are summarized, with a review of the storage programs and plans of 26 nations. The focus of the report is on the application of dry storage techniques to spent fuel, although dry storage of long-lived wastes is also reviewed.
Summary of National and International Radioactive Waste Management Programs 1979
Summary of National and International Radioactive Waste Management Programs 1979
Many nations and international agencies are working to develop improved technology and industrial capability for nuclear fuel cycle and waste management operations. The effort in some countries is limited to research in university laboratories on treating low-level waste from reactor plant operations.