Siting Experience Documents Only
WP 3 Quality of decision-making process Proposed Framework for Decision-making Processes
WP 3 Quality of decision-making process Proposed Framework for Decision-making Processes
The long-term governance of radioactive waste is complex socio-technical issue. The disposition of radioactive waste is decided on ethical grounds, having to take into account a variety of other dimensions (society, economy, ecology, politics, time, space, and technology). Thereto, a study of variants is required. Decision theory, in principle, takes diverse options as a starting point begin as the basis of a decision.
WP 2 Appendix 8 Mechanisms for Local Influence on National Decision Making Processes in Radioactive Waste Management
WP 2 Appendix 8 Mechanisms for Local Influence on National Decision Making Processes in Radioactive Waste Management
This document develops further the questions offered to stakeholders in the Berlin Meeting (see Appendix). It describes mechanisms that local stakeholders can use to influence national decision-making processes in radioactive waste management.
Identifying remaining socio-technical challenges at the national level: Czech Republic
Identifying remaining socio-technical challenges at the national level: Czech Republic
This report describes the history, recent developments and the current situation of the management of highly radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel in the Czech Republic, with a particular focus on the development of geological disposal for this kind of waste. Special attention is given to the interplay of social and technical aspects of the process. The first chapter gives an overview of the state of affairs and sketches out the trajectories leading to it.