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Siting Experience Documents Only
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The On-line Waste Library (OWL): Usage and Inventory Status Report
The On-line Waste Library (OWL): Usage and Inventory Status Report
Multiphysics Simulation of DPC Criticality Scoping Calculations and Coupling Strategy
Multiphysics Simulation of DPC Criticality Scoping Calculations and Coupling Strategy
Criticality Analysis Process for Direct Disposal of Dual Purpose Canisters
Criticality Analysis Process for Direct Disposal of Dual Purpose Canisters
Dual Purpose Canister Reactivity and Groundwater Absorption Analyses
Dual Purpose Canister Reactivity and Groundwater Absorption Analyses
Review of Criticality Evaluations for Direct Disposal of Submitted to the U.S. Department DPCs and Recommendations
Review of Criticality Evaluations for Direct Disposal of Submitted to the U.S. Department DPCs and Recommendations
Knowledge Management Analysis for Content Migration
Knowledge Management Analysis for Content Migration
Preliminary Analysis of Postclosure DPC Criticality Consequences
Preliminary Analysis of Postclosure DPC Criticality Consequences
Postclosure Criticality Consequence Analysis - Scoping Phase
Postclosure Criticality Consequence Analysis - Scoping Phase
Workshop to Plan RD Support of Fuel Basket Modification for Direct Disposal of Future DPCs
Workshop to Plan RD Support of Fuel Basket Modification for Direct Disposal of Future DPCs
Dual Purpose Canister Reactivity and Groundwater Absorption Analyses
Dual Purpose Canister Reactivity and Groundwater Absorption Analyses
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Nuclear Waste Facility Siting Experience Database Content and Structure
Nuclear Waste Facility Siting Experience Database Content and Structure
Implementation of Baseline Services of the NWM IT Cloud Environment
Implementation of Baseline Services of the NWM IT Cloud Environment
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
M2SF-19SN010305021- Accelerated Testing of Selected Filler Compositions
M2SF-19SN010305021- Accelerated Testing of Selected Filler Compositions
Criticality Consequence Analysis Roadmap for a Spent Nuclear Fuel Canister in a Repository
Criticality Consequence Analysis Roadmap for a Spent Nuclear Fuel Canister in a Repository
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
DPC Criticality Simulation Preliminary Phase Fuel Basket Degradation Models
DPC Criticality Simulation Preliminary Phase Fuel Basket Degradation Models
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
UNF-ST&DARDS Documentation Release 3.0
UNF-ST&DARDS Documentation Release 3.0
Socio-technical multi-criteria evaluation of long-term spent nuclear fuel management strategies: A framework and method
Socio-technical multi-criteria evaluation of long-term spent nuclear fuel management strategies: A framework and method
In the absence of a federal geologic repository or consolidated, interim storage in the United States, commercial spent fuel will remain stranded at some 75 sites across the country. Currently, these include 18 “orphaned sites” where spent fuel has been left at decommissioned reactor sites.
Shared Yet Contested: Energy Democracy Counter-Narratives
Shared Yet Contested: Energy Democracy Counter-Narratives
Conventional ways of communicating about the transition to renewable energy in North America presuppose that energy systems can be changed while sustaining existing social, political, and economic relations. Energy democracy counters such ostensibly apolitical narratives by emphasizing the socially transformative potential of this transition. Yet energy democracy, as both organizing principle and social movement, is itself increasingly recognized as flexible and contested.
Public controversies and the Pragmatics of Protest: Toward a Ballistics of collective action
Public controversies and the Pragmatics of Protest: Toward a Ballistics of collective action
By using long run case studies and comparative analysis, I will address different processes by which alerts and criticisms are taken seriously by different actors and lead them to transform or to defend devices, norms and institutions. To deal with this kind of process, I will present an analytical model which runs on the recent controversies about radioactivity, GMOs and nanotechnologies. For many years, these fields have been marked by struggles in which scientific arguments are seldom dominant but are nevertheless relevant.