Direct Radiation Dose Consequence Calculation for Category 1 and 2 Event Sequences
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000-00C-WHS0-00600-000-00A_ENG.20050419.0013.pdf (3.78 MB) | 3.78 MB |
Performance objectives for the geologic repository operations area through permanent closure in 10 CFR 63.111 identify compliance with regulatory dose limits for workers and members of the public as a design objective. The purpose of this design calculation is to determine direct radiation dose consequences for Category 1 and 2 event sequences. It does not include worker dose assessment for recovery operations following Category 1 event sequences. The scope of this work includes evaluation of worker doses as a result of direct radiation from Category 1 event sequences, evaluation of dose to members of the public from direct radiation after Category 1 event sequences, and evaluation of dose to members of the public from direct radiation after Category 2 event sequences. This work also includes an evaluation of doses above for each of the waste forms to be received and disposed of at Yucca Mountain. These waste forms include commercial spent nuclear fuel, high level waste, naval spent nuclear fuel, multi-canister overpack, and U.S. Department of Energy SNF.