N-Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Criticality Calculations
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BBA000000-01717-0210-00005_MOL.19990503.0209.pdf (3.9 MB) | 3.9 MB |
The purpose of this calculation is to characterize the criticality safety aspects of N-Reactor fuel stored in a Department of Energy spent nuclear fuel (DOE-SNF) canister that contains four Multi-Canister Overpacks (MCO's). These calculations will be done to support the analysis that will be done to demonstrate concept viability related to pre-emplacement storage and use in the Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR) environment for the pre-closure time frame. The purpose of these calculations is to evaluate the criticality issues related to these intact fuels for the pre-closure time frame, including providing criticality evaluations which can be used to evaluate various storage configurations and input into the preliminary DOE-SNF canister design.