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Transportation, Aging, and Disposal Canister System Performance Specification

M. Popa
Publication Date

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This document provides specifications for selected system components of the Transportation, Aging and Disposal (TAD) canister-based system. A list of
system specified components and ancillary components are included in Section 1.2. The TAD canister, in conjunction with specialized overpacks will accomplish a number of functions in the management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Some of these functions will be accomplished at purchaser sites where commercial spent nuclear fuel (CSNF) is stored, and some will be performed within the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) transportation and disposal system. This document contains only those requirements unique to applications within Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) system. DOE recognizes that TAD canisters may have to perform similar functions at purchaser sites. Requirements to meet reactor functions, such as on-site dry storage, handling, and loading for transportation, are expected to be similar to commercially available canister-based systems. This document is intended to be referenced in the license application for the Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR). As such, the requirements cited herein
are needed for TAD system use in OCRWM’s disposal system. This document contains specifications for the TAD canister, transportation overpack and aging
overpack. The remaining components and equipment that are unique to the OCRWM system or for similar purchaser applications will be supplied by others.

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