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Welcome to CURIE!

CURIE is a national resource, accessible to industry, vendors, federal, and laboratory partners, and the general public. CURIE offers open and free access to public documents and data about spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management. All information on CURIE is unclassified.

Do I Need a CURIE Account? 

  • If you would like to browse CURIE, search and view documents and events, and interact with the public map,  no account is necessary.
  • If you would like to contribute to CURIE in a meaningful way by uploading pertinent documents to the CURIE library, or view the advanced map, you could request an account here. Once your account is approved, you will become a registered or authenticated user. 

What's on CURIE?

Home page:

  • Featured Content: Access technical content about key R&D updates regarding spent nuclear fuel and waste management.
  • News Feed: Catch up on the latest news about spent nuclear fuel and waste management.
  • Recently Added Documents: Preview new content in CURIE. 
  • My Communities: Connect with other stakeholder communities or create your own community. CURIE can support multiple communities, each with its own user-contributed content visible only to that community, if desired. (You must be an authenticated user to join or create a community on CURIE.)
  • My Documents: See all the recent documents you have uploaded to CURIE. (You must be an authenticated user to upload documents to CURIE.)

About page: Learn more about CURIE's history and provide feedback about the site by visiting the "Contact Us" page

Siting Experience: Access information on nuclear waste siting and storage. The content was originally developed by Sandia National Laboratories per a recommendation by the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (BRC). Search documents about siting, read the BRC report on America’s nuclear future, review past siting efforts in the U.S. and other countries, and learn about international siting programs.

Interactive Spent Nuclear Fuel Map: Access geographic and time-dependent information on the inventory of commercial spent nuclear fuel in the United States. The map is publicly accessible. Registered users can log in and view the advanced map with richer features. 

Search Documents:

  • General Search: Use the search bar to conduct a full-text search. For example, enter keywords "dry cask storage" to search for all the documents related to that topic.
  • Category of Content Filters: Use the displayed categories to narrow down your search.
  • Siting Experience Documents Only: Select this checkbox to further narrow down your search by country.
  • Publication Date: Specify the time ranges for the desired documents
  • Keywords: The top 15 most often used keywords are displayed to help the user further refine search results.

Once you’ve rendered a search, a list of documents that meet your criteria will be displayed. Click on a document title to view more detail, including the author(s), publication date, keywords specified by the individual(s) who uploaded the document, and the attachment, which typically contains a link to a downloadable PDF of the full text. Whenever possible, an abstract is provided to give you a quick overview of the document. 

Events: Access information on any upcoming events about nuclear waste management, such as conferences, expos, consortia, meetings, seminars, and workshops .

Create Documents: Upload documents and share with other users in your communities (user accounts required).

To upload a document,

  • Enter the title
  • Specify the author(s), publication date, category of content, and subject matter
  • Provide an abstract or summary
  • Upload an image that characterizes the document (if available)
  • Fill in the other relevant data fields as appropriate

Complete all the required fields (denoted by an asterisk *) and agree to the terms and conditions for uploading documents. You can click on “Preview” to review the saved information. If you are not ready to submit, click "Save as: Draft". When you are ready to submit, click “Save as: Submit for Review” and your submission will be reviewed by the CURIE administrator to determine suitability for publication on CURIE. If approved, your uploaded document will be made available to the users and communities as you've specified.

Disclaimer: Note that this page contains links to external sites. When leaving the CURIE site, please note that the U.S. Department of Energy and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory do not control or endorse the content or ads on these sites.