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Preclosure Criticality Safety Analysis

The means to prevent and control criticality must be addressed as part of the Preclosure Safety Analysis (PCSA) required for compliance with 10 CFR Part 63 [DIRS 180319], where the preclosure period covers the time prior to permanent closure activities. This technical report presents the nuclear criticality safety evaluation that documents the achievement of this objective.

Report on Intact and Degraded Criticality for Selected Plutonium Waste Forms in a Geologic Repository

As part of the plutonium waste form development and down-select process, repository analyses have been conducted to evaluate the long-term performance of these forms for repository acceptance. Intact and degraded mode criticality analysis of the mixed oxide (MOX) spent fuel is presented in Volume I, while Volume II presents the evaluations of the waste form containing plutonium immobilized in a ceramic matrix.

Initial Radionuclide Inventories

The purpose of this analysis is to provide an initial radionuclide inventory (in grams per waste package) and associated uncertainty distributions for use in the Total System Performance Assessment for the License Application (TSPA-LA) in support of the license application for the repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. This document is intended for use in postclosure analysis only.

Data Qualification Report: Mineralogy Data for Use on the Yucca Mountain Project

This DQR uses the technical assessment methods according to Attachment 2 of AP-SIII.2Q, Rev. 0, ICN 3, to qualify DTN LADB831321AN98.002. The data addressed in this DQR have been cited in CRWMS M&O (2000b) to support the Site Recommendation in determining the suitability of Yucca Mountain as a repository for high level nuclear waste. CRWMS M&O (2000b) refers to mineral analyses that are unqualified.

Screening Analysis of Criticality Features, Events, and Processes for License Application

The purpose of this analysis report is to evaluate the features, events, and processes (FEPs) associated with criticality and document the screening decision for either inclusion or exclusion of criticality in the Total System Performance Assessment for License Application (TSPA-LA). The FEPs associated with criticality address scenarios that include initiators of sequences of events or processes that could lead to configurations that have potential for criticality in the repository.

Supplement to the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology

The Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report, YMP/TR-0004Q (DOE 1998b) described a risk-informed methodology for postclosure criticality analyses in the potential repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Various models contained in the methodology were described and a process for validating these models was presented. The topical report also committed to following this process in validating the models used for License Application.

Cladding Degradation Summary for LA

The purpose of this analysis report is to develop the summary cladding degradation abstraction that will be used in the Total System Performance Assessment for the License Application (TSPA-LA). Most civilian commercial nuclear fuel is encased in Zircaloy cladding. The analysis addressed in this report is intended to describe the postulated condition of commercial Zircaloy-clad fuel as a function of postclosure time after it is placed in the repository.

Calculation of Isotopic Bias and Uncertainty for BWR SNF

The objective of Calculation of Isotopic Bias and Uncertainty for BWR SNF is to quantify the computational bias and uncertainty in the multiplication factor (keff) to be used for Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) burn-up credit. The scope of this bias and uncertainty determination covers 38 different radiochemical assay (RCA) spent fuel samples from 14 different fuel assemblies that were irradiated in four different BWRs. The irradiated fuel samples evaluated span an enrichment range of 2.53 weight percent U-235 through 3.95 weight percent U-235.

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