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Qualification of Thermodynamic Data for Geochemical Modeling of Mineral–Water Interactions in Dilute Systems

This report is developed from Technical Work Plan for: Thermodynamic Databases for Chemical Modeling (BSC 2006 [DIRS 177885]). The purpose of this analysis report is to update the thermochemical database data0.ymp.R4 (Output DTN: SN0410T0510404.002). Various data have been added, corrected, or corroborated, partly in response to four Condition Reports (CRs): CR 6489, CR 6731, CR 7542, and CR 7756. The most notable changes are a general revision of phosphate data to achieve consistency with the recommendations from the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) (Cox. et al.

EBS Radionuclide Transport Abstraction

The purpose of this report is to develop and analyze the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) Radionuclide Transport Abstraction Model, consistent with Level I and Level II model validation, as identified in Technical Work Plan for: Near-Field Environment: Engineered Barrier System: Radionuclide Transport Abstraction Model Report (BSC 2006 [DIRS 177739]). The EBS Radionuclide Transport Abstraction (or RTA) is the conceptual model used in the Total System Performance Assessment (TSPA) to determine the rate of radionuclide releases from the EBS to the unsaturated zone (UZ).

General Corrosion and Localized Corrosion of Waste Package Outer Barrier

The purpose and scope of this model report is to document models for general and localized corrosion of the waste package outer barrier (WPOB) to be used in evaluating long-term waste package performance in the total system performance assessment (TSPA). The waste package design for the license application is a double-wall waste package placed underneath a protective drip shield (SNL 2007 [DIRS 179394]; SNL 2007 [DIRS 179354]). The WPOB will be constructed of Alloy 22 (UNS N06022) (SNL 2007 [DIRS 179567], Section, a highly corrosion-resistant nickel-based alloy.

Saturated Zone In-Situ Testing

The purpose of this scientific analysis is to document the results and interpretations of field experiments that test and validate conceptual flow and radionuclide transport models in the saturated zone (SZ) near Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The test interpretations provide estimates of flow and transport parameters used in the development of parameter distributions for total system performance assessment (TSPA) calculations.

Abstraction of Drift Seepage

This model report documents the abstraction of drift seepage, conducted to provide seepage relevant parameters and their probability distributions for use in Total System Performance Assessment for License Application (TSPA-LA). Drift seepage refers to the flow of liquid water into waste emplacement drifts.

Geochemistry Model Validation Report: Material Degradation and Release Model

The purpose of the material degradation and release (MDR) model is to predict the fate of the waste package materials, specifically the retention or mobilization of the radionuclides and the neutron-absorbing material as a function of time after the breach of a waste package during the 10,000 years after repository closure. The output of this model is used directly to assess the potential for a criticality event inside the waste package due to the retention of the radionuclides combined with a loss of the neutron-absorbing material.

Preclosure Consequence Analyses

This document contains analyses and calculations of absorbed dose from dispersed waste forms from light water reactors. The design features of HEPA filters are compared to the results. The calculation determines the consequences from normal operations and event sequences from surface and subsurface facilities during the preclosure period.

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