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3rd WP Probabilistic Criticality Analysis: Methodology for Basket Degradation with Application to Commercial SNF

This analysis is prepared by the Mined Geologic Disposal System (MGDS) Waste Package Development (WPD) department to describe the latest version of the probabilistic criticality analysis methodology and its application to the entire commercial waste stream of commercial pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) expected to be emplaced in the repository. The purpose of this particular application is to evaluate the 21 assembly PWR absorber plate waste package (WP) with respect to degraded mode criticality performance.

PWR Axial Burnup Profile Analysis

The purpose of this activity is to develop a representative “limiting” axial burnup profile for pressurized water reactors (PWRs), which would encompass the isotopic axial variations caused by different assembly irradiation histories, and produce conservative isotopics with respect to criticality. The effect that the low burnup regions near the ends of spent fuel have on system reactivity is termed the “end-effect”. This calculation will quantify the end-effects associated with Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) fuel assemblies emplaced in a hypothetical 21 PWR waste package.

Principle Isotope Burnup Credit Loading Curve for the 21 PWR Waste Package

The purpose of this calculation is to determine the required minimum burnup as a function of initial pressurized water reactor (PWR) assembly enrichment that would permit loading of fuel into the 21 PWR waste package (WP), as provided for in QAP-2-0 Activity Evaluation, Perform Criticality, Thermal, Structural, & Shielding Analyses (Reference 7.1).

Criticality Evaluation of Intact and Degraded PWR WPs Containing MOX SNF

The purpose of this calculation is to perform criticality evaluations for mixed oxide spent nuclear fuel (MOX SNF) in 12 and 21 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) waste packages (WPs) for both intact and degraded configurations.
The MOX assembly design considered in previous studies on Pu disposition in commercial reactors is based on the Westinghouse (W) 17x17 Vantage 5 assembly (Ref. 7.2). Depletion analyses of four Pu enrichment and burnup (expressed as gigawatt days/metric ton heavy metal; GWd/MTHM) combinations were performed in Reference 7.4. These are:

Criticality Consequence Calculation Involving Intact PWR MOX SNF in a Degraded 21 PWR Assembly Waste Package

The purpose of this calculation is to evaluate the transient behavior and consequences of a worst- case criticality event involving intact pressurized water reactor (PWR) mixed-oxide (MOX) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in a degraded basket configuration inside a 21 PWR waste package (WP). This calculation will provide information necessary for demonstrating that the consequences of a worst-case criticality event involving intact PWR MOX SNF are insignificant in their effect on the overall radioisotopic inventory and on the integrity of the repository.

Criticality Consequence Analysis Involving Intact PWR SNF in a Degraded 21 PWR Assembly Waste Package

The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the transient behavior and consequences of a worst case criticality event involving intact pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in a degraded basket configuration inside a 21 PWR assembly waste package (WP). The objective of this analysis is to demonstrate that the consequences of a worst case criticality event involving intact PWR SNF are insignificant in their effect on the overall radioisotopic inventory in a WP.

Criticality Evaluation of Intact and Degraded PWR WPs Containing MOX SNF

The purpose of this calculation is to perform criticality evaluations for mixed oxide spent nuclear fuel in 12 and 21 pressurized water reactor waste packages for both intact and degraded configurations. The MOX assembly design considered in previous studies on Pu disposition in commercial reactors is based on the Westinghouse 17x17 Vantage 5 assembly (Ref. 7.2). Depletion analyses of four Pu enrichment and burnup(expressed as gigawatt days/metric ton heavy metal; GWd/MTHM)) combinations were performed in Ref. 7.4.

Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel Waste Package Misload Analysis

The purpose of this calculation is to estimate the probability of misloading a commercial spent nuclear fuel waste package with a fuel assembly(s) that has a reactivity (i.e., enrichment and/or burnup) outside the waste package design. The waste package designs are based on the expected
commercial spent nuclear fuel assemblies and previous analyses (Macheret, P. 2001, Section 4.1 and Table 1). For this calculation, a misloaded waste package is defined as a waste package that has a fuel assembly(s) loaded into it with an enrichment and/or burnup outside the waste package

Critical Limit Development For 21 PWR Waste Package

This calculation uses regression (CLReg V1.0 computer code) and non-parametric statistical methods, as specified in References 1 and 12, to develop the critical limit for the 21 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) waste package (WP) in the proposed geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The critical limit is a limiting value of the effective neutron multiplication factor at which a WP configuration is considered potentially critical.

Criticality Consequence Analysis Involving Intact PWR SNF in a Degraded 21 PWR Assembly Waste Package

The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the transient behavior and consequences of a worst case criticality event involving intact pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in a degraded basket configuration inside a 21 PWR assembly waste package (WP). The objective of this analysis is to demonstrate that the consequences of a worst case criticality event involving intact PWR SNF are insignificant in their effect on the overall radioisotopic inventory in a WP. An internal WP criticality is modeled in a manner analogous to transient phenomena in a nuclear reactor core.

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