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Waste Packages and Source Terms for the Commercial 1999 Design Basis Waste Streams

This calculation is prepared by the Monitored Geologic Repository Waste Package Requirements & Integration Department. The purpose of this calculation is to compile source term and commercial waste stream information for use in the analysis of waste package (WP) designs for commercial fuel. Information presented will consist of the number of WPs, source terms, metric tons of uranium, and the average characteristics of assemblies to be placed in each WP design. The source terms provide thermal output, radiation sources, and radionuclide inventories.

Nuclide Importance to Criticality Safety, Decay Heating, and Source Terms Related to Transport and Interim Storage of High-Burnup LWR Fuel

This report investigates trends in the radiological decay properties and changes in relative nuclide importance associated with increasing enrichments and burnup for spent LWR fuel as they affect the areas of criticality safety, thermal analysis (decay heat), and shielding analysis of spent fuel transport and storage casks. To facilitate identifying the changes in the spent fuel compositions that most directly impact these application areas, the dominant nuclides in each area have been identified and ranked by importance.

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