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Nuclear Wastes: Technologies for Separations and Transmutation

Disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear weapons production and power generation has
caused public outcry and political consternation. Nuclear Wastes presents a critical review
of some waste management and disposal alternatives to the current national policy of
direct disposal of light water reactor spent fuel. The book offers clearcut conclusions for
what the nation should do today and what solutions should be explored for tomorrow.
The committee examines the currently used "once-through" fuel cycle versus different

Summary Report of Commercial Reactor Critical Analyses Performed for the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology

The "Summary Report of Commercial Reactor Critical Analyses Perfonned for the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology" contains a summary of the commercial reactor critical (CRC) analyses used to support the validation of the criticality models for spent commercial light water reactor (LWR) fuel.

Summary Report of SNF Isotopic Comparisons for the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology

The "Summary Report of SNF Isotopic Comparisons for the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology" contains a summary of the analyses that compare SNF measured isotopic concentrations (radiochemical assays) to calculated SNF isotop~c concentrations (SAS2H module ·orScale4.3). The results of these analyses are used to support the validation of the isotopic models for spent commercial light water reactor (LWR) fuel.

Dry Storage of Used Fuel Transition to Transport

This report provides details of dry storage cask systems and contents in U.S. for commercial light water
reactor fuel. Section 2 contains details on the canisters used to store approximately 86% of assemblies in
dry storage in the U.S. Transport cask details for bare fuels, dual purpose casks and canister transport
casks are included in Section 3. Section 4 details the inventory of those shutdown sites without any
operating reactors. Information includes the cask type deployed, transport license and status as well as

Review and Prioritization of Technical Issues Related to Burnup Credit for LWR Fuel

This report has been prepared to review relevant background information and provide technical discussion that will help initiate a PIRT (Phenomena Identification and Ranking Tables) process for use of burnup credit in light-water reactor (LWR) spent fuel storage and transport cask applications. The PIRT process will be used by the NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research to help prioritize and guide a coordinated program of research and as a means to obtain input/feedback from industry and other interested parties.

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