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Criticality Evaluation of Intact and Degraded PWR WPs Containing MOX SNF

The purpose of this calculation is to perform criticality evaluations for mixed oxide spent nuclear fuel (MOX SNF) in 12 and 21 Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) waste packages (WPs) for both intact and degraded configurations.
The MOX assembly design considered in previous studies on Pu disposition in commercial reactors is based on the Westinghouse (W) 17x17 Vantage 5 assembly (Ref. 7.2). Depletion analyses of four Pu enrichment and burnup (expressed as gigawatt days/metric ton heavy metal; GWd/MTHM) combinations were performed in Reference 7.4. These are:

Evaluation of Internal Criticality of the Plutonium Disposition MOX SNF Waste Form

The purpose of this calculation is to perform a parametric study to determine the effects of fission product leaching, assembly collapse, and iron oxide loss (Me203) on the reactivity of a waste package (WP) containing mixed oxide (MOX) spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Previous calculations (CRWMS M&O 1998a) have shown that the criticality control features of the WP are adequate to prevent criticality of a flooded WP for all the enrichment/ burnup pairs expected for the MOX SNF.

Evaluation of Internal Criticality of the Plutonium Disposition MOX SNF Waste Form

The purpose of this calculation is to perform a parametric study to determine the effects of fission product leaching, assembly collapse, and iron oxide loss on the reactivity of a waste package (WP) containing mixed oxide (MOX) spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Previous calculations (CRWMS M&O 1998a) have shown that the criticality control features of the WP are adequate to prevent criticality of a flooded WP for all the enrichment/burnup pairs expected for the MOX SNF.

Report On External Criticality of Plutonium Waste Forms In A Geologic Repository

This report presents the analyses and results for the potential occurrence of external criticality events which could result from plutonium waste forms emplaced in a geologic repository similar to the one being developed at Yucca Mountain. The analyses evaluate both the MOX spent fuel and the immobilized plutonium waste forms in a repository if the waste package has degraded and if the fissile material has migrated to the invert and out into the far-field.

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