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BWR Axial Profile

The purpose of this calculation is to develop axial profiles for estimating the axial variation in burnup of a boiling water reactor (BWR) assembly spent nuclear fuel (SNF) given the average burnup of an assembly. A discharged fuel assembly typically exhibits higher burnup in the center and lower burnup at the ends of the assembly. Criticality safety analyses taking credit for SNF burnup must account for axially varying burnup relative to calculations based on uniformly distributed assembly average burnup due to the under-burned tips.

PWR Axial Burnup Profile Analysis

The purpose of this activity is to develop a representative “limiting” axial burnup profile for pressurized water reactors (PWRs), which would encompass the isotopic axial variations caused by different assembly irradiation histories, and produce conservative isotopics with respect to criticality. The effect that the low burnup regions near the ends of spent fuel have on system reactivity is termed the “end-effect”. This calculation will quantify the end-effects associated with Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) fuel assemblies emplaced in a hypothetical 21 PWR waste package.

PWR Axial Profile Evaluation

This calculation compares results from criticality evaluations for a 21-assembly pressurized water reactor (PWR) waste package based on 12 axial burnup profile representations for commercial spent nuclear fuel (SNF) assemblies. The burnup profiles encompass the axial variations caused by different fuel assembly irradiation histories in a commercial PWR, including end effects, and the concomitant effect on reactivity in the waste package. The bounding axial burnup profiles in Table T of reference 6.3 are used for this analysis.

PWR Axial Burnup Profile Analysis

The purpose of this activity is to develop a representative “limiting” axial burnup profile for pressurized water reactors (PWRs), which would encompass the isotopic axial variations caused by different assembly irradiation histories, and produce conservative isotopics with respect to

OECD/NEA Burnup Credit Criticality Benchmark, Analysis of Phase II-B Results: Conceptual PWR Spent Fuel Transportation Cask

The OECD/NEA “Burn-up Credit Criticality Benchmark” working group has studied the effect of axial burn-up profile on the criticality of a realistic PWR spent fuel transport cask (Phase II-B). The final results of this benchmark are presented and analysed in this report. Nine basic cases and two additional accident configurations were considered with the following varying parameters: burn-up (0 GWd/t for fresh fuel, 30 and 50 GWd/t), fuel composition (actinides only and actinides with fifteen fission products), axial burn-up discretisation (1 or 9 zones).

Research to Support Expansion of U.S. Regulatory Position on Burnup Credit for Transport and Storage Casks

In 1999, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC) initiated a research program
to support the development of technical bases and guidance that would facilitate the implementation of burnup
credit into licensing activities for transport and dry cask storage. This paper reviews the following major areas of
investigation: (1) specification of axial burnup profiles, (2) assumption on cooling time, (3) allowance for
assemblies with fixed and removable neutron absorbers, (4) the need for a burnup margin for fuel with initial

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