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Range of Neutronic Parameters for Repository Criticality Analyses

The Range of Neutronic Parameters for Repository Criticality Analyses technical report contains a summary of the benchmark criticality analyses (including the laboratory critical experiment [LCEs] and the commercial reactor criticals [CRCs]) used to support the validation of the criticality evaluation methods. This report also documents the development of the Critical Limits (CLs) for the repository criticality analyses.

OECD/NEA Burnup Credit Calculational Criticality Benchmark Phase I-B Results

Burnup credit is an ongoing technical concern for many countries that operate commercial
nuclear power reactors. In a multinational cooperative effort to resolve burnup credit issues, a
Burnup Credit Working Group has been formed under the auspices of the Nuclear Energy Agency
of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. This working group has
established a set of well-defined calculational benchmarks designed to study significant aspects of
burnup credit computational methods. These benchmarks are intended to provide a means for the

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