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Analysis of Fresh Fuel Critical Experiments Appropriate for Burnup Credit Validation

The ANS/ANS-8.1 standard requires that calculational methods used in determining criticality
safety limits for applications outside reactors be validated by comparison with appropriate critical
experiments. This report provides a detailed description of 34 fresh fuel critical experiments and
their analyses using the SCALE-4.2 code system and the 27-group ENDF/B-IV cross-section library.
The 34 critical experiments were selected based on geometry, material, and neutron interaction

A Critical Review of the Practice of Equating the Reactivity of Spent Fuel to Fresh Fuel in Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analyses for PWR Spent Fuel Pool Storage

This research examines the practice of equating the reactivity of spent fuel to that of fresh fuel for the purpose of performing burnup credit criticality safety analyses for PWR spent fuel pool (SFP) storage conditions. The investigation consists of comparing kf estimates based on reactivity "equivalent" fresh fuel enrichment (REFFE) to kl estimates using the actual spent fuel isotopics.

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