Yankee Atomic Electric Company vs The United States, November 14, 2013
Spent Nuclear Fuel Litigation - Court of Federal Claims decision in Maine Yankee II, Conn Yankee II and Yankee Atomic II
Spent Nuclear Fuel Litigation - Court of Federal Claims decision in Maine Yankee II, Conn Yankee II and Yankee Atomic II
This Memorandum analyzes issues related to the Standard Contract between the U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) and the “utilities.” Beginning with a discussion of specific provisions of the Standard Contract, this Memorandum then analyzes the status of lawsuits involving the Standard Contract, reviews issues related to on-site storage of spent fuel and HLW, and assesses the prospects for modifying the current waste-disposal regime through Federal legislation or amendments to the Standard Contract.
This memo sets forth the Office of Standard Contract Management's current estimate of the US Government's liability in connection with the Government's partial breach of the "standard contracts" that it executed pursuant to the NWPA of 1982. The Office of Standard Contract Management estimates that liability, as of today and based on the analysis and qualifications set forth below, to be $15.4 billion.