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Saturated Zone In-Situ Testing

The purpose of this scientific analysis is to document the results and interpretations of field experiments that test and validate conceptual flow and radionuclide transport models in the saturated zone (SZ) near Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The test interpretations provide estimates of flow and transport parameters used in the development of parameter distributions for total system performance assessment (TSPA) calculations.

MOX Spent Nuclear Fuel and LaBS Glass for TSPA-LA

This analysis provides information necessary for total system performance assessment (TSPA) for the license application (LA) to include the excess U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) plutonium in the form of mixed oxide (MOX) spent nuclear fuel and lanthanide borosilicate (LaBS) glass. This information includes the additional radionuclide inventory due to MOX spent nuclear fuel and LaBS glass and the analysis that shows that the TSPA models for commercial spent nuclear fuel (CSNF) and high-level waste (HLW) degradation are appropriate for MOX spent nuclear fuel and LaBS glass, respectively.

Criticality Consequence Analysis Involving Intact PWR SNF in a Degraded 21 PWR Assembly Waste Package

The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the transient behavior and consequences of a worst case criticality event involving intact pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) in a degraded basket configuration inside a 21 PWR assembly waste package (WP). The objective of this analysis is to demonstrate that the consequences of a worst case criticality event involving intact PWR SNF are insignificant in their effect on the overall radioisotopic inventory in a WP. An internal WP criticality is modeled in a manner analogous to transient phenomena in a nuclear reactor core.

Waste Packages and Source Terms for the Commercial 1999 Design Basis Waste Streams

This calculation is prepared by the Monitored Geologic Repository Waste Package Requirements & Integration Department. The purpose of this calculation is to compile source term and commercial waste stream information for use in the analysis of waste package (WP) designs for commercial fuel. Information presented will consist of the number of WPs, source terms, metric tons of uranium, and the average characteristics of assemblies to be placed in each WP design. The source terms provide thermal output, radiation sources, and radionuclide inventories.

Range of Parameters For PWR SNF in a 21 PWR WP

This calculation file uses the MCNP neutron transport code to determine the range of parameters for Pressurized Water Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel contained with a 21 PWR waste package (WP). Four base geometry patterns were considered in this work and included the following: intact fuel assemblies with intact WP internal components, intact fuel assemblies with degraded WP internal components, degraded fuel assemblies with intact WP internal components, and degraded fuel assemblies with degraded WP internal components.

EQ6 Calculation for Chemical Degradation of Pu-Ceramic Waste Packages: Effects of Updated Materials Composition and Rates

The Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR) Waste Package Operations (WPO) of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System Management and Operating Contractor (CRWMS M&O) performed calculations to provide input for disposal of Pu-ceramic waste forms. The Pu- ceramic (Refs. 1 and 2) is designed to immobilize excess plutonium from weapons production, and has been considered for disposal at the potential Yucca Mountain site.

General Corrosion and Localized Corrosion of Waste Package Outer Barrier

The purpose and scope of this model report is to document models for general and localized corrosion of the waste package outer barrier (WPOB) to be used in evaluating long-term waste package performance in the total system performance assessment (TSPA). The waste package design for the license application is a double-wall waste package placed underneath a protective drip shield (SNL 2007 [DIRS 179394]; SNL 2007 [DIRS 179354]). The WPOB will be constructed of Alloy 22 (UNS N06022) (SNL 2007 [DIRS 179567], Section, a highly corrosion-resistant nickel-based alloy.

Bias Determination for DOE Nuclear Fuels

The purpose of this calculation is to establish the relative change in the effective neutron multiplication factor (keff) due to the use of MCNP unique identifiers (ZAIDs) in Nuclear Criticality Calculations for Canister-Based Facilities - DOE SNF (Reference 2.2.1, Attachment 3, MCNP that are different to the ZAIDs used in the Analysis of Critical Benchmark Experiments and Critical Limit Calculation for DOE SNF (Reference 2.2.5, Table 5-3).

Range of Neutronic Parameters for Repository Criticality Analyses

The Range of Neutronic Parameters for Repository Criticality Analyses technical report contains a summary of the benchmark criticality analyses (including the laboratory critical experiment [LCEs] and the commercial reactor criticals [CRCs]) used to support the validation of the criticality evaluation methods. This report also documents the development of the Critical Limits (CLs) for the repository criticality analyses.

Aging and Phase Stability of Waste Package Outer Barrier

This report was prepared in accordance with Technical Work Plan for: Regulatory Integration Modeling and Analysis of the Waste Form and Waste Package (BSC 2004 [DIRS 171583]). This report provides information on the phase stability of Alloy 221, the current waste package outer barrier material. The goal of this model is to determine whether the single-phase solid solution is stable under repository conditions and, if not, how fast other phases may precipitate.

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