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Helping a Community Control its Future: Potential Negotiating Packages and Benefits for an MRS Host
The voluntary siting process for the Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) facility set forth in the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act (NWPAA) of 1987 provides a potential host community a unique opportunity to improve its present situation and to gain greater control over its future.
Managing Nuclear Waste-A Better Idea, A Report to the U.S. Secretary of Energy
When Congress passed the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, it created the
Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management within the Department of
Energy to spearhead the implementation of this landmark legislation.
In Section 303 of the Act, however, Congress directed the Secretary of Energy
to study alternative approaches to managing the radioactive waste program, as
SEC. 303. The Secretary shall undertake a study with respect to
Nuclear Waste: Is There a Need for Federal Interim Storage? Report of the Monitored Retrievable Storage Review Commission
Yucca Mountain: The Administration’s Impact on U.S. Nuclear Waste Management Policy
Over the course of the last two and a half years, Committee Republicans have reviewed in depth Administration actions associated with the Yucca Mountain Project and disposal of the Nation‘s spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. Focusing in particular on the scientific and technical information and processes associated with key policy decisions, the Committee‘s effort included numerous letters to Administration officials, extensive questioning at Committee hearings, and acquisition and review of thousands of pages of internal documents.
On March 11, 2011, the Township of Creighton expressed interest in learning more about the Nuclear Waste Management Organization site selection process to find an informed and willing community to host a deep geological repository for Canada’s used nuclear fuel (NWMO, 2010). This report summarizes the findings of an initial screening, conducted by Golder Associates Ltd., to evaluate the potential suitability of the Creighton area against five screening criteria using readily available information.
RD&D Programme 2010: Programme for research, development, and demonstration of methods for the management and disposal of nuclear waste
RD&D Programme 2010 presents SKB’s plans for research, development and demonstration during<br/>the period 2011–2016. SKB’s activities are divided into two main areas: the programme for low- and<br/>intermediate-level waste (the LILW Programme) and the Nuclear Fuel Programme.
ANDRA The french national radioactive waste management agency
Waste management operation began in France in 1969. Created in 1979 as an agency within the CEA, ANDRA was established by the December 1991 Waste Act as an independent public body in charge of the long-term management of all radioactive waste, under the supervision of the Ministries in charge of Energy, Ecology, and Research. Its 3 basic missions were extended and their funding secured through the 2006 Planning Act (www.andra.fr).
Solving the U.S. Nuclear Waste Dilemma
Current U.S. nuclear waste law and policy is bankrupt. The 1982 Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) set a 1998 deadline for opening a deep geologic repository to receive spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level waste (HLW) from reprocessing. In 1987, Congress amended the Act to designate Yucca Mountain in Nevada as the only potential site, and severely restricted the development of any federal facility for consolidated storage of nuclear waste. Nevada’s unrelenting opposition to the Yucca repository eventually succeeded with the election of Barack Obama as President.
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