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An Evaluation of the Concept of Transuranic Burning Using Liquid Metal Reactors

This evaluation investigates the potential benefits of separating the transuranic elements from spent reactor fuel before it is disposed of in geologic repositories. It addresses the question: Would the benefits to radioactive waste disposal justify both processing the spent fuel and deploying liquid metal reactors (LMRs) to transmute the separated transuranics?…

Validation of the SCALE System for PWR Spent Fuel Isotopic Composition Analyses

The validity of the computation of pressurized-water-reactor (PWR) spent fuel isotopic
composition by the SCALE system depletion analysis was assessed using data presented in the report.
Radiochemical measurements and SCALE/SAS2H computations of depleted fuel isotopics were
compared with 19 benchmark-problem samples from Calvert Cliffs Unit 1, H. B. Robinson Unit 2,
and Obrigheim PWRs. Even though not exhaustive in scope, the validation included comparison of
predicted and measured concentrations for 14 actinides and 37 fission and activation products.

Dry Storage of Used Fuel Transition to Transport

This report provides details of dry storage cask systems and contents in U.S. for commercial light water
reactor fuel. Section 2 contains details on the canisters used to store approximately 86% of assemblies in
dry storage in the U.S. Transport cask details for bare fuels, dual purpose casks and canister transport
casks are included in Section 3. Section 4 details the inventory of those shutdown sites without any
operating reactors. Information includes the cask type deployed, transport license and status as well as

Aging Facility Criticality Safety Calculations

This design calculation is a revision of the previous criticality evaluation of the operations and
processes that are performed in the Aging Facility. It will also demonstrate and assure that the
storage and aging operations to be performed in the Aging Facility meet the criticality safety
design criteria in the Project Design Criteria Document (BSC 2005i, Section, and the
nuclear criticality safety requirements described in the SNF Aging System Description Document

Public Beliefs, Concerns and Preferences Regarding the Management of Used Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste

US policy for management of used nuclear fuel (UNF) and high level radioactive wastes (HLRW) is at a crossroads, and the success of new policy directions will depend in part on broad public acceptance and support. In this paper I provide an overview of the evidence concerning the beliefs and concerns of members of the American public regarding UNF and HLNW. I also characterize the evidence on American’s policy preferences for management of these materials.

SAS2H Analysis of Radiochemical Assay Samples from Mihama PWR Reactor

The purpose of this design analysis is to determine the accuracy of the SAS2H module of SCALE 4.3 in predicting isotopic concentrations of spent fuel assemblies. The objective is to develop a methodology for modeling assemblies similar to those evaluated within this analysis and to establish the consistency of SAS2H predictions. The results of this analysis may then be applied to future depletion calculations using SAS2H in which no measurements are available.

Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste 3

The Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste is a framework for moving toward a sustainable program to deploy an integrated system capable of transporting, storing, and disposing of used nuclear fuel1 and high-level radioactive waste from civilian nuclear power generation, defense, national security and other activities.

Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-level Radioactive Waste

The characteristics of spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste are described, and options for permanent disposal that have been considered are described. These include:
•disposal in a mined geological formation,
•disposal in a multinational repository, perhaps on an unoccupied island,
•by in situ melting, perhaps in underground nuclear test cavities,
•sub-seabed disposal,
•disposal in deep boreholes,
•disposal by melting through ice sheets or permafrost,
•disposal by sending the wastes into space, and

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