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Postclosure Analysis of the Range of Design Thermal Loadings

This report presents a two-phased approach to develop and analyze a “thermal envelope” to represent the postclosure response of the repository to the anticipated range of repository design thermal loadings. In Phase 1 an estimated limiting waste stream (ELWS) is identified and analyzed to determine the extremes of average and local thermal loading conditions. The coldest thermal loading condition is represented by an emplacement drift loaded exclusively with high-level radioactive waste (HLW) and/or defense spent nuclear fuel (DSNF).


Initial Waste Package Probabilistic Criticality Analysis: Uncanistered Fuel

This analysis is prepared by the Mined Geologic Disposal System (MGDS) Waste Package Development Department (WPDD) to provide an assessment of the present waste package design from a criticality risk standpoint. The specific objectives of this initial analysis are to:
1. Establish a process for determining the probability of waste package criticality as a function of time (in terms of a cumulative distribution function, probability distribution function, or expected number of criticalities in a specified time interval) for various waste package concepts;


Configuration Model Generator

The Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Reporta prescribes an approach to the methodology for performing postclosure criticality analyses within the monitored geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. An essential component of the methodology is the Configuration Generator Model for In-Package Criticality that provides a tool to evaluate the probabilities of degraded configurations achieving a critical state.


Calculation of Upper Subcritical Limits for Nuclear Criticality in a Repository

The purpose of this document is to present the methodology to be used for development of the Subcritical Limit (SL) for post closure conditions for the Yucca Mountain repository. The SL is a value based on a set of benchmark criticality multiplier, keff> results that are outputs of the MCNP calculation method. This SL accounts for calculational biases and associated uncertainties resulting from the use of MCNP as the method of assessing kerr·


The Potential of Using Commercial Duel Purpose Canisters for Direct Disposal

This report evaluates the potential for directly disposing of licensed commercial Dual Purpose
Canisters (DPCs) inside waste package overpacks without reopening. The evaluation considers
the principal features of the DPC designs that have been licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) as these relate to the current designs of waste packages and as they relate to
disposability in the repository. Where DPC features appear to compromise future disposability,
those changes that would improve prospective disposability are identified.


Radionuclide Screening

The waste forms under consideration for disposal in the repository at Yucca Mountain contain scores of radionuclides. It would be impractical and highly inefficient to model all of these radionuclides in a total system performance assessment (TSPA). Thus, the purpose of this radionuclide screening analysis is to remove from further consideration (screen out) radionuclides that are unlikely to significantly contribute to radiation dose to the public from a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain.


Supplement to the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology

The Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report, YMP/TR-0004Q (DOE 1998b) described a risk-informed methodology for postclosure criticality analyses in the potential repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Various models contained in the methodology were described and a process for validating these models was presented. The topical report also committed to following this process in validating the models used for License Application.

Final 10 CFR 960: General Guidelines for the Preliminary Screening of Potential Sites for a Nuclear Waste Repository

These guidelines were developed in accordance with the requirements of Section 112(a) of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 for use by the Secretary of Energy in evaluating the suitability of sites. The guidelines will be used for suitability evaluations and determinations made pursuant to Section 112(b). The guidelines set forth in this part are intended to complement the requirements set forth in the Act, 10 CFR part 60, and 40 CFR part 191. The DOE recognizes NRC jurisdiction for the resolution of differences between the guidelines and 10 CFR part 60.

Site Selection and Characterization Processes for Deep Geologic Disposal of High Level Nuclear Waste

In this paper, the major elements of the site selection and characterization processes used in the U.S. high level waste program are discussed. While much of the evolution of the site selection and characterization processes have been driven by the unique nature of the U.S. program, these processes, which are well-defined and documented, could be used as an initial basis for developing site screening, selection, and characterization programs in other countries. Thus, this paper focuses more on the process elements than the specific details of the U.S. program.