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Summary Statement - Regulations for Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste
Presented on September 2010 to the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (Disposal Subcommittee)
Slides - Geologic Disposal - Elements of Technical Credible, Workable, and Publicly Acceptable Regulations
Presented to the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future Subcommittee on Disposal
Decision-making and Responsibilities within the Process of Providing Robust Interim Storage and the Implementation of Geological Disposal
This paper summarises CoRWM’s understanding of:<br><br>The roles and responsibilities of the organisations that are involved in the management of radioactive waste, <br>Decision-making on Government policy, <br>Decision-making on the governance of the NDA, <br>Decision-making on waste conditioning, packaging and storage and <br>Decision-making in the implementation of geological disposal.
Dossier 2005 Argile-Architecture and Management of a Geological Repository
The Law of 30 December 1991 Loi n¯ 91-1381 du 30 dÇcembre 1991 relative aux recherches sur la gestion des dÇchets radioactifs. conferred on Andra the task of assessing the feasibility of a high-level, long-lived waste (HLLL waste) repository in a deep geological formation. This volume of the Dossier 2005 Argile reports on the results of the study from the standpoint of the architecture and management of such a repository. It is based on the characteristics of the clay formation studied in an underground research laboratory located in the Meuse and Haute-Marne departments.
Environmental Views on the Geologic Disposal of Nuclear Materials
Presented at the International Conference on Geologic Repositories, Denver, CO, November 1, 1999
Slides - Briefing on the Draft Area Recommendation Report - Crystalline Repository Project
Crystalline Repository Project Briefing
Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste
19th Annual Symposium-Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste
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