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Site selection - Siting of the Final Repository for Spent Nuclear Fuel

SKB has selected Forsmark as the site for the final repository for spent nuclear fuel. The site selection<br/>is the end result of an extensive siting process that began in the early 1990s. The strategy and<br/>plan for the work was based on experience from investigations and development work over a period<br/>of more than ten years prior to then.<br/>This document describes the siting work and SKB’s choice of site for the final repository.

Demonstration and Dialogue: Mediation in Swedish Nuclear Waste Management

This report analyses mediation and mediators in Swedish nuclear waste management. Mediation is about establishing agreement and building common knowledge. It is argued that demonstrations and dialogue are the two prominent approaches to mediation in Swedish nuclear waste management. Mediation through demonstration is about showing, displaying, and pointing out a path to safe disposal for inspection. It implies a strict division between demonstrator and audience.

From Risk Analysis to the Safety Case. Values in Risk Assessments

The foundation for work related to nuclear waste management is laid by laws and outlines e.g. the responsibilities of the reactor owners and the state, as represented by the authorities. The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB), as well as Posiva Oy in Finland, were set up by the reactor owners in the respective countries in response to the responsibilities of planning, conducting research and to implement the physical structures leading to a safe management of nuclear wastes.

Structure for Transparency in Nuclear Waste Management

The purpose of this report is a comparison of the structures for nuclear waste management in France, Sweden and UK. The source materials for this comparison are studies carried out in each of these countries by Syncho Ltd. over the past 5 years. The Swedish structural review was sponsored by SKI and SSI, and carried out as a pilot study during the years 1996 and 1997 (Espejo & Gill, 1998) as part of the RISCOM I project.

Treatment and final disposal of nuclear waste: Programme for encapsulation, deep geological disposal, and research, development and demonstration: Ch 6 - App 1

In RD&D-Programme 92, SKB presented a partially new strategy for its activities. The new strategy entailed a focusing and concentration on the implementation of deep disposal of a limited quantity (about 800 tonnes) of encapsulated spent nuclear fuel during the coming 20-year period. Following this initial deposition, the results of the work will be evaluated, and only then will a decision be taken as to how and when regular deposition of the main body of the fuel and other long-lived nuclear waste will take place.

Treatment and final disposal of nuclear waste: Programme for encapsulation, deep geological disposal, and research, development and demonstration: Ch 1 - 5

In RD&D-Programme 92, SKB presented a partially new strategy for its activities. The new strategy entailed a focusing and concentration on the implementation of deep disposal of a limited quantity (about 800 tonnes) of encapsulated spent nuclear fuel during the coming 20-year period. Following this initial deposition, the results of the work will be evaluated, and only then will a decision be taken as to how and when regular deposition of the main body of the fuel and other long-lived nuclear waste will take place.

Handling and final disposal of nuclear waste: Siting of a deep repository

The siting of the facilities for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and other long-lived<br/>nuclear waste is one of the central remaining tasks within the Swedish waste programme.<br/>Work relating to the siting of the repository is being conducted in stages and will<br/>continue for most of the 1990:ies. This report describes the background to, the goals<br/>for and structure of SKB &#39;s activities relating to the siting of a deep geological<br/>repository.

Handling and final disposal of nuclear waste. September 1989

For those parts of the waste system that have already been taken into operation - transportation and handling systems, central interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel (CLAB) and final repository for reactor waste (SFR)- the research and development stage has already largely been passed. The programme presented here therefore pertains primarily to the treatment and final disposal of spent fuel and the decommissioning of nuclear power plants.

Handling and final disposal of nuclear waste. September 1986

The Act on Nuclear Activities (SFS 1984:3) obligates the owners of the Swedish nuclear power plants to<br/>jointly prepare a comprehensive programme for the research and development work and other measures<br/>required for the safe management and disposal of the waste from nuclear power.<br/>For those parts of the waste system that have already been taken into operation or are under construction - transportation and handling systems, central interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel (CLAB) and final repository for reactor waste (SFR) - the research and development st

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