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Draft - Area Recommendation Report for the Crystalline Repository Project, Overview

The draft Area Recommendation Report (ARR) for the Crystalline<br/>Repository Project identifies portions of crystalline rock bodies as<br/>proposed potentially acceptable sites for the Nation&#39;s second repository<br/>for deep geologic burial of high-level radioactive waste and spent<br/>nuclear fuel. This overview provides a brief summary of that report.<br/>The U.S.

Part 1 - Draft - Area Recommendation Report for the Crystalline Repository Project, Volume 1

This Draft Area Recommendation Report for the Crystalline Repository Project identifies portions of crystalline rock bodies as proposed potentially acceptable sites for consideration in the second high-level radioactive waste repository program. <br>The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) evaluated available geologic and environmental data for 235 crystalline rock bodies in the North Central, Northeastern, and Southeastern Regions to identify preliminary candidate areas.

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