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Soil-Related Input Parameters for the Biosphere Model

This report presents one of the analyses that support the Environmental Radiation Model for Yucca Mountain Nevada (ERMYN), referred to in this report as the biosphere model. Biosphere Model Report (BSC 2004 [DIRS 169460]) describes the details of the conceptual and mathematical biosphere models and the required input parameters. The biosphere model is one of a series of process models supporting the postclosure total system performance assessment (TSPA) for the Yucca Mountain repository.

Number of Waste Packages Hit By Igneous Events

The purpose of this report is to document calculations of the number of waste packages that could be damaged in a potential future igneous event intersecting a repository at YuccaMountain. The analyses include disruption from an igneous intrusion and from an igneous eruption. The analyses also support the evaluation of the potential consequences from a future event as part of the total system performance assessment (TSPA) for the license application for the Yucca Mountain Project.

Saturated Zone In-Situ Testing

The purpose of this scientific analysis is to document the results and interpretations of field experiments that test and validate conceptual flow and radionuclide transport models in the saturated zone (SZ) near Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The test interpretations provide estimates of flow and transport parameters used in the development of parameter distributions for total system performance assessment (TSPA) calculations.

Nuclear Waste Policy Act (Section 112) - Environmental Assessment, Reference Repository Location, Hanford Site, Washington, Volume III, pages 501-725

This appendix responds to the issues raised by Federal, State, and local governments, affected Indian Tribes, private citizens, and other organizations on the draft environmental assessment (EA) that was prepared pursuant to Section 112 of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (the Act). In addition to presenting the issues raised in the comments and the responses, it describes where changes were made in the final EA.

Nuclear Waste Policy Act (Section 112) - Environmental Assessment, Deaf Smith County Site, Texas, Vol. I

In February 1983, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) identified a<br/>location in Deaf Smith County, Texas, as one of nine potentially acceptable<br/>sites for a mined geologic repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level<br/>radioactive waste. The potentially acceptable site was subsequently narrowed<br/>to an area of 9 square miles.

Nuclear Waste Policy Act (Section 112) - Environmental Assessment, Davis Canyon Site, Utah, Vol. I

In February 1983, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) identified the Davis Canyon site in Utah as one of the nine potentially acceptable sites for a mined geologic repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. To determine their suitability, the Davis Canyon site and the eight other potentially acceptable sites have been evaluated in accordance with the DOE&#39;s General Guidelines for the Recommendation of Sites for the Nuclear Waste Repositories.

Nuclear Waste Policy Act (Section 112) - Environmental Assessment, Deaf Smith County Site, Texas, Vol. III

This appendix responds to the issues raised by Federal, State, and local<br/>governments, affected Indian Tribes, private citizens, and other organizations<br/>on the draft environmental assessment (EA) that was prepared pursuant to<br/>Section 112 of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (the Act). In addition to<br/>presenting the issues raised in the comments and the responses, it describes<br/>where changes were made in the final EA.

Nuclear Waste Policy Act (Section 112) - Environmental Assessment, Davis Canyon Site, Utah, Vol. III

This appendix responds to the issues raised by Federal, State, and local governments, affected Indian Tribes, private citizens, and other organizations on the draft environmental assessment (EA) that was prepared pursuant to Section 112 of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (the Act). In addition to presenting the issues raised in the comments and the responses, it describes where changes were made in the final EA.

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