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Energy Justice and Social Science Nuclear Waste Literature

This spreadsheet provides a list of documents that national laboratory staff found through a search of the literature on social and behavioral science and environmental justice issues related to spent nuclear fuel and nuclear waste. The review was conducted from 2022 to mid-2023. It sorts the references into themes identified in the table of contents. Papers that fit more than one theme may be listed in more than one section.


White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) Workgroups

The WHEJAC Workgroups were established to develop draft recommendations to assist the WHEJAC in providing independent advice and recommendations to the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and to the White House Interagency Council on Environmental Justice (Interagency Council) on how to increase the Federal Government’s efforts to address current and historic environmental injustice.


Phase One Scorecards Report

This first version of the Environmental Justice Scorecard, or the Phase One Scorecard, presents a baseline assessment of actions taken by federal agencies in 2021 and 2022 to help achieve the Biden-Harris Administration's environmental justice goals.

The Phase One Scorecard reports on the progress of 24 federal agencies in the following areas:


Respecting free, prior and informed consent: Practical guidance for governments, companies, NGOs, indigenous peoples and local communities in relation to land acquisition

The FAO Governance of Tenure Technical Guides are part of FAO’s initiative to help develop capacities to improve tenure governance and thereby assist countries in applying the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. The FAO Governance of Tenure Technical Guides are prepared by technical specialists and can be used by a range of actors.


Community Involvement Plan: Area IV, Santa Susana Field Laboratory

As a result of the 2007 ruling by the U.S. District Court of Northern California that the DOE must prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate alternatives for cleanup of Area IV of the SSFL, DOE has implemented major changes in its management of SSFL Area IV. As an initial step, this community involvement plan (CIP) outlines a series of activities and programs that intend to engage the public, establish transparency in DOE actions and decisions, and increase input from the community.


Technical Guidance for Assessing Environmental Justice in Regulatory Analysis

The purpose of this document, the Technical Guidance for Assessing Environmental Justice in Regulatory Analysis (referred to throughout this document as the EJ Technical Guidance), is to outline particular technical approaches and methods to help Agency analysts (including economists, risk assessors, and others) analyze potential EJ concerns for regulatory actions.4 Senior EPA managers will also find this document useful for understanding analytic expectations and ensuring that potential EJ concerns are appropriately considered and addressed in the development of regulatory actions.


Social Distrust: Implications and Recommendation for Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste Management

This review develops recommendations for moving forward with SNF and HLW management in a context of social distrust, while also working to regain social trust over the long term. We begin with a short overview of social trust and confidence, including definitions, how it is built and destroyed, and trends in social trust in the US. We then turn to the implications of dilemmas and trade-offs that arise for the design and implementation of a system that has requirements in addition to trust and confidence.


Nuclear power and the public: an update of collected research on nuclear power

The purpose of this research was to collect, analyze, and summarize all of the nuclear power-related surveys conducted in the United States through June, 1981, that we could obtain. The surveys collected were national, statewide, and areawide in scope. Slightly over 100 surveys were collected for an earlier, similar effort carried out in 1977. About 130 new surveys were added to the earlier survey data. Thus, about 230 surveys were screened for inclusion in this report.


Views and Attitudes toward Nuclear Waste: National Survey Final Report

In 2002, the federal government passed a law to create the Nuclear Waste Management Organization, also known by its initials NWMO. The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) was established by Ontario Power Generation Inc., Hydro-Québec and New Brunswick Power Corporation in accordance with the Nuclear Fuel Waste Act (NFWA) to assume responsibility for the long-term management of Canada’s used nuclear fuel. More specifically, the NWMO’s initial objective was to recommend a long-term approach for managing used nuclear fuel produced by Canada’s electricity generators.
