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Issues for Effective Implementation of Burnup Credit
In the United States, burnup credit has been used in the criticality safety evaluation for storage pools at
pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and considerable work has been performed to lay the foundation for use of
burnup credit in dry storage and transport cask applications and permanent disposal applications. Many of the
technical issues related to the basic physics phenomena and parameters of importance are similar in each of these
applications. However, the nuclear fuel cycle in the United States has never been fully integrated and the
Research to Support Expansion of U.S. Regulatory Position on Burnup Credit for Transport and Storage Casks
In 1999, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC) initiated a research program
to support the development of technical bases and guidance that would facilitate the implementation of burnup
credit into licensing activities for transport and dry cask storage. This paper reviews the following major areas of
investigation: (1) specification of axial burnup profiles, (2) assumption on cooling time, (3) allowance for
assemblies with fixed and removable neutron absorbers, (4) the need for a burnup margin for fuel with initial
Foreign Programs for the Storage of Spent Nuclear Power Plant Fuels, High-Level Waste Canisters and Transuranic Wastes
Worldwide activities related to the storage of spent (irradiated) nuclear power reactor fuel and highly-radioactive, long-lived wastes are summarized, with a review of the storage programs and plans of 26 nations. The focus of the report is on the application of dry storage techniques to spent fuel, although dry storage of long-lived wastes is also reviewed.
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