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Submission ofNAC-LWT Safety Analysis Report (SAR), Revision 44 Incorporating the Highly Enriched Uranyl Nitrate Liquid (HEUNL) Enhancements and the SLOWPOKE Fuel Core Approved Applications

Safety Analysis report for the NAC International, Legal Weight Truck spent fuel shipping cask (NAC-LWT.) Shipment of the NAC-LWT cask can be made by truck, ISO container, and/or by railcar, as a Type B(U)F-96 package, as defined in 10 CFR 71.4. The NAC-LWT cask is a stainless steel and lead shielded cask with a surrounding water-ethylene glycol neutron
shield. The cask, which has capacity to ship 1 PWR or 2 BWR used nuclear fuel assemblies, is designed to be transported using legal-weight trucks having a fully loaded gross vehicle weight that does not exceed 80,000 lbs.

Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition (NUREG-75/087)

The Standard Review Plan (SRP) is prepared for the guidance of staff reviewers in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation in performing safety reviews of applications to construct or operate nuclear power plants. The principal purpose of the SRP is to assure the quality and uniformity of staff reviews, and to present a well-defined base from which to evaluate proposed changes in the scope and requirements of reviews.

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