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Eddy Lea Energy Alliance, LLC
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EDDY_LEA_Siting_Study_ML102440738.pdf (8.75 MB) 8.75 MB

In the grant contract, DOE requested an<br/>Executive Summary that provides information<br/>in three major areas. To be fully compliant<br/>with requirements, we have structured this<br/>section as follows:<br/>_ How the research adds to the<br/>understanding of the area investigated<br/>_ Technical effectiveness and economic<br/>feasibility of methods or techniques<br/>_ How the project is of benefit to the public<br/>In addition to these requirements, the DOE<br/>requested that we provide a comparison of<br/>actual accomplishments with goals and<br/>objectives of the project. That is also<br/>contained in the next few pages. Figure 1<br/>depicts the factors that make the ELEA site an<br/>ideal choice for siting GNEP facilities.

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United States
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