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Transportation Institutional Issues Involving the U.S. Department of Energy's Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program: The Post Yucca Mountain Years

This 10th anniversary update to the original archive adds several sections that cover relevant topics since 2010. Some of the new topics include the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future, consent-based siting, tribal engagement, shutdown site visits, and industry interests. Much like the first publication, the purpose of this update is to make it easier for new personnel to learn about what came before them in the hope that this knowledge gives them a greater chance of success.


Generic Repository Design Concepts and Thermal Analysis (FY11)

Reference concepts for geologic disposal of used nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste in the U.S. are developed, including geologic settings and engineered barriers. Repository thermal analysis is demonstrated for a range of waste types from projected future, advanced nuclear fuel cycles. The results show significant differences among geologic media considered (clay/shale, crystalline rock, salt), and also that waste package size and waste loading must be limited to meet targeted maximum temperature values.


Spent Nuclear Fuel and High- Level Radioactive Waste Inventory Report Revision 6

This report provides information on the inventory of commercial spent fuel (SNF) and high-level
radioactive waste (HLW) in the United States, as well as non-commercial SNF and HLW in the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) complex. Actual or estimated quantitative values for current inventories are
provided along with inventory forecasts derived from examining different future commercial nuclear power
generation scenarios. The report also includes select information on the characteristics associated with the


DOE Atlas Railcar Project End-of-Phase 2 Final Report

This is the DOE Atlas Railcar Project End-of-Phase 2 Final Report (Revision 1 from March 2018) that describes the technical progress through Phase 2 for the contract to design, analyze, and fabricate prototypes of cask and buffer railcars to transport spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. This is the main body of the Phase 2 final report. There are a number of appendices referenced in the main body that will be posted to CURIE at a later time.

Sister Rod Nondestructive Examination Annual Report FY2017

This report documents work performed under the Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition for the US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Energy (NE) Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology program. This work was performed to fulfill the Level 2 Milestone M2SF-17OR010201021, “Documentation of Non-destructive Tests on Sister Pins,” within work package SF-17OR01020102.


Yucca Mountain License Application

10 CFR 63.2 defines the geologic repository operations area (GROA) at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, as “a high-level radioactive waste facility that is part of a geologic repository, including both surface and subsurface areas, where waste handling activities are conducted.” A general description of the GROA and its location, the general nature of the activities to be performed at the GROA, and the basis for the exercise of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensing authority over a geologic repository are presented in Sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3, respectively.


Potential Cost Implications of an Interim Storage Facility for Commercial SNF

The question of whether or not consolidated interim storage of commercial spent nuclear fuel (SNF) should be part of the federal waste management system as an intermediate step before permanent disposal has been debated for more than four decades. This paper summarizes an evaluation of the cost implications of incorporating a consolidated interim storage facility (ISF) into the waste management system (WMS). In this study, the order-of-magnitude estimates of total system costs were calculated and tabulated.


Cost Sensitivity Analysis for Consolidated Interim Storage of Spent Fuel: Evaluating the Effect of Economic Environment Parameters

This report evaluates how the economic environment (i.e., discount rate, inflation rate, escalation rate) can impact previously estimated differences in lifecycle costs between an integrated waste management system with an interim storage facility (ISF) and a similar system without an ISF. The costs analyzed in this report are based on the document entitled Cost Implications of an Interim Storage Facility in the Waste Management System, a systems study comparing the “constant dollar” future lifecycle costs of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) management system scenarios.


Dry Storage Cask Inventory Assessment, Revision 2

The report, Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste Inventory Report(FCRDNFST- 2013-000263, Rev.4), provides information on the inventory of commercial spent fuel, referred to in this report as used nuclear fuel (UNF), as well as Government-owned UNF and High Level Waste (HLW) in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) complex. Inventory forecasts for commercial UNF were made for a few selected scenarios of future commercial nuclear power generation involving the existing reactor fleet including one scenario involving reactors under construction.
