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In order to dispose of the spent nuclear fuel in a safe manner, SKB plans to site<br/>a deep repository and an encapsulation plant with associated canister fabrication<br/>and transportation system. After an integrated evaluation of feasibility studies<br/>and other material, SKB will proceed with investigations of the rock and studies<br/>regarding establishment of the deep disposal system in the municipality of<br/>Oskarshamn or in Northern Uppland. The plans also include further study of<br/>the prospects for a deep repository in the municipality of Nyköping.<br/>In the municipality of Oskarshamn, SKB plans further studies of a siting of the<br/>deep repository at Simpevarp. There SKB wants to initiate site investigations<br/>with test drilling. For the encapsulation plant, SKB wants to continue studying<br/>a siting at CLAB.<br/>In Northern Uppland, SKB plans to study two siting alternatives for the deep<br/>repository. One is Forsmark in the municipality of Östhammar, where SKB<br/>wants to initiate a site investigation with test drilling. The other is Tierp north/<br/>Skutskär, where SKB intends to start test drilling in an area north of Tierp.<br/>First, however, a suitable drilling area with possible transport solutions needs to<br/>be defined. This alternative requires the participation of the municipalities of<br/>both Tierp and Älvkarleby. A siting of the encapsulation plant in Northern<br/>Uppland will also be studied.<br/>For the municipality of Nyköping, SKB plans to conduct a new safety assessment<br/>for the Fjällveden area, based on data from previous investigations as well<br/>as additional studies of how a deep repository could be arranged. SKB will<br/>thereby gather data from yet another geographic and geological region beyond<br/>those that are prioritized. No test drilling is planned in Nyköping.<br/>The goal of the site investigation phase is to obtain all permits needed to build<br/>the planned facilities. It will take an estimated 7–8 years to assemble the requisite<br/>supporting material, carry out consultations, compile siting applications<br/>and have these applications reviewed by the appropriate authorities.<br/>An analysis of conceivable alternatives for managing and disposing of spent<br/>nuclear fuel has confirmed that deep geological disposal according to the KBS-3<br/>method has the best prospects of meeting all requirements. The alternative of<br/>putting off a decision until some future time (the zero alternative) does not<br/>appear tenable. The assessment of long-term safety shows that the prospects of<br/>building a safe deep repository in the Swedish bedrock are good. Independent<br/>Swedish and international review of the safety assessment confirm that the body<br/>of data in this respect is adequate for the siting process to proceed to the site<br/>investigation phase.<br/>A fuller summary is given below of the account given in this report of method as<br/>well as site selection and programme for the site investigation phase. The point<br/>of departure for the account is the review comments made by the regulatory<br/>authorities and the Government’s decision regarding RD&D-Programme 98. In<br/>its decision, the Government stipulated conditions for SKB’s continued research<br/>and development programme. The analysis of alternative system designs was to<br/>be supplemented, mainly with regard to the zero alternative and very deep<br/>boreholes. Furthermore, the Government decided that SKB shall submit an<br/>integrated evaluation of completed feasibility studies and other background<br/>material for selection of sites for site investigations and present a clear programme<br/>for site investigations.

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