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Czech Republic
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This report is the National Report submitted by the Czech Republic for the purposes of assessment meeting of the parties to the Joint Convention. Its objective is to describe the fulfillment status of obligations under the Joint Convention in the Czech Republic as on 31 December 2002. The outline of the National Report is based on recommendations approved at the preparatory meeting of the parties to the Joint Convention in December 2001 and contained in the „Guidelines regarding the form and structure of national reports (JC-SFRW/PREP/FINAL/DOCUMENT 3)“ of 13 December 2001.
By the mentioned date several facilities were in operation in the Czech Republic that are subject to the Joint Convention. NPP Dukovany, owned by ČEZ, a. s., with four reactor units of VVER 440/213 type, in addition to power generating units also includes the following NI:
• ISFSF Dukovany – in commercial operation since 1997,
• RAW repository Dukovany – in commercial operation since 1995, owned by the state since
In addition to the separate nuclear installations NPP Dukovany also includes SF pools and ŠTK in each production unit to handle SF. Similar facilities - SF pools and ŠTK are also a part of NPP Temelín, which features two reactor units of VVER 1000/320 type.
SF produced by operation of the research reactor LVR–15 in ÚJV Řež a. s. is stored in the HLW storage facility, which is in agreement with the Czech law classified as an independent NI. The other research reactors in ÚJV Řež a. s. (LR–0) and FJFI Prague (VR–1) do not produce any SF due to their small thermal output and limited time of operation.
In addition to RAW repository Dukovany, which is used to dispose RAW from operation of NPPs, there are the following storage facilities on the Czech Republic’s territory:
• RAW repository Richard in Litoměřice (institutional waste; in operation since 1964),
• Repository Bratrství in Jáchymov (permanent storage of wastes with natural radionuclides; in
operation since 1974),
• RAW repository Hostím in Beroun (closed in 1997).

Document Type
SED Publication Type
Czech Republic