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MEST/KINS Joint Working Group
Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety
Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Korea Power Engineering Co., Inc.
Korea Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd
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The government of the Republic of Korea, as a contracting party to the Joint<br/>Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive<br/>Waste Management (hereinafter referred to as “Joint Convention”) which entered into<br/>force on June 18, 2001, and deposited the ratification of on September 16, 2002,<br/>described the state of implementing the contracting party’s obligations in the Third<br/>National Report, pursuant to Article 32 (Reporting) of the Joint Convention.<br/>This National Report was prepared in accordance with the “Guidelines Regarding the<br/>Form and Structure of National Reports” under the Joint Convention reflecting the<br/>observations given in the Summary Report of the Second Review Meetings. Revised<br/>and added parts as compared with the Second National Report are highlighted in bold<br/>and italics. This Report maintains the structure of article-by-article approach based on<br/>every implementation of obligations contained within the topical arrangement of the<br/>Joint Convention. The cutoff date of this national report preparation was December 31,<br/>2007, otherwise specified in the report.<br/>Facilities covered in this National Report are the civilian facilities and their associated<br/>lands, buildings and equipments in which spent fuel and radioactive waste were handled,<br/>processed, treated, stored or disposed of on such a scale that consideration of safety is<br/>required under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Korea as defined in Article 2 and 3 of<br/>the Joint Convention.<br/>This National Report was drafted by the “Working Group for the Implementation of the<br/>Joint Convention” organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and<br/>Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety. This Report was reviewed by relevant governmental<br/>and industrial organizations, and deliberated by Radiation Protection Sub-Committee of<br/>the Nuclear Safety Commission.<br/>Major contributors to the preparation of this National Report are as follows: Messrs. Byung-<br/>Ryong MOON, Hyuk-Chae KOO, Byong-Hyon BAK and Jae-Sin KIM of the Ministry<br/>of Education, Science and Technology; Messrs. Choul-Ho YUN, Tae-Won SUK,<br/>Byung-Hwan RHO, Youn-Keun LEE, Jae-Hak CHEONG, Sung-Il KIM, Kwan-Hee<br/>LEE, Dae-Sik YOOK, Sang-Myun AHN, Seung-Young JEONG, Je-Keon JEON, Jong-<br/>Lai KIM, Song-Jae YOO, Suk-Won KIM, Jae-Kwon JANG, Bo-Kyun SEO, Seung-<br/>Haeng LEE, Mses. Ki-Won Jang and Zu-Hee Woo of the Korea Institute of Nuclear<br/>Safety; Messrs. Kwon-Hoie KOO, Sung-Chul PARK and Kyoung-Doek KIM of the<br/>Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.; Messrs. Keon-Taek CHO and Byung-Sik<br/>LEE of the Korea Power Engineering Company; Messrs. Suk-Ju CHO, Jeung-Gun<br/>SEOL and Jae-Bong RYU of the Korea Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd.; Messrs. Un-Soo<br/>CHUNG and Jin-Ho PARK of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute.

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SED Publication Type
Korea, Republic Of
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