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U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
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Comments contained in this document were received by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on the Report of Early Site Suitability Evaluation (ESSE) of the Potential Repository Site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, (Younker et al., 1992, SAIC 91/8000). Comments were received from the U.S. Department of Interior, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the State of Nevada, and several local affected governments in Nevada. No comments were received from members of the public. This document provides responses to all comments that were received as part of the formal, written review process.<br/>The ESSE report was prepared by a team of scientists who provide technical support to DOE on the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project. The team was managed by Science Applications International Corporation, a DOE contractor. An independent Peer Review Panel was also convened to review and evaluate the validity of the technical conclusions reached by the ESSE scientific team. The ESSE report provides recommendations to DOE regarding the adequacy and sufficiency of available site characterization data to support suitability findings in the technical areas specified in 10 CFR Part 960; Parts 4 and 5 of DOE&#39;s General Siting Guidelines.<br/>The ESSE was an interim evaluation (the first was conducted in 1986) to determine the current status of compliance with 10 CFR Part 960. It had two primary goals: (1) evaluate whether data obtained since 1986 either weaken or strengthen the technical basis for the 1986 findings; and, (2) develop and recommend a process for future evaluations.<br/>With respect to the technical basis of the ESSE, DOE accepts the opinions of the Peer Review Panel that technical conclusions drawn from available data were adequate and sufficient, and that recommended findings were objectively developed. Based upon the recommendations of the ESSE Report, DOE will continue to characterize the Yucca Mountain site to establish its potential suitability for development as a repository. DOE regards the ESSE recommendations as useful input for prioritizing-site studies, modifying the scope and direction of these activities, and as an aid in deciding when adequate site characterization data have been gathered.<br/>For future site suitability evaluations, DOE may choose to use contractor-prepared reports without formal DOE acceptance of the suitability findings, or DOE may choose to formally accept selected suitability findings. As required by the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, DOE will make formal findings on all guidelines before deciding whether to recommend the site for repository development.<br/>With respect to process, DOE intends to establish a mechanism for involving oversight groups, independent scientists, and other interested parties in future site suitability evaluations. Specific evaluation plans will be developed and milestones for future interim site suitability evaluations will be included in the baseline program schedule. An analysis of the appropriate interfaces between evaluation of site suitability and the process of complying with the National Environmental Policy Act is currently under way.<br/>With respect to the selection of Peer Review Panel members, DOE is considering a process whereby panel members would be nominated by oversight groups and local affected governments, as well as by DOE. Selection of panel members would then be made by an independent third-party group of scientific experts.<br/>Involvement of oversight groups and the public in the site suitability evaluation process will evolve. DOE Public Update Meetings in Nevada will continue to be a forum for discussing the status of any future site suitability evaluation. The new Director of OCRWM may also establish additional outreach mechanisms for communicating this information to the interested public.

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SED Publication Type
United States
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