Siting Experience Documents Only
Korean Third National Report under the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
Korean Third National Report under the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
The government of the Republic of Korea, as a contracting party to the Joint<br/>Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive<br/>Waste Management (hereinafter referred to as “Joint Convention”) which entered into<br/>force on June 18, 2001, and deposited the ratification of on September 16, 2002,<br/>described the state of implementing the contracting party’s obligations in the Third<br/>National Report, pursuant to Article 32 (Reporting) of the Joint Convention.<br/>This National Report was prepared in accordance wi
Report on Implementation of the Obligations under the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management–Second Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties
Report on Implementation of the Obligations under the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management–Second Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties
The European Atomic Energy Community (“Euratom”) is a regional organisation, as referred to in Article 39(4) of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. It became a party to the Convention on 2 January 2006. This report is submitted in compliance with Articles 30 and 32 of the Convention for the Second Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties, to be held in Vienna from 15 to 26 May 2006.
Reflections on Siting Approaches for Radioactive Waste Facilities: Synthesising Principles Based on International Learning
Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation
Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation
Over the past forty years, the development of the technology needed to isolate radioactive waste in underground rock systems has been found to be a formidable problem. This is especially the case in connection with high-level waste (HLW) after its removal from operations in nuclear power plants. There is also the additional problem of isolating low- and intermediate-level waste (LILW).
Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation Third Worldwide Review
Geological Challenges in Radioactive Waste Isolation Third Worldwide Review
The first worldwide review of geological problems in radioactive waste isolation was published by the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) in 1991 (Witherspoon, 1991). This review was a compilation of reports that had been submitted to a workshop held in conjunction with the 28th International Geological Congress that took place July 9Ð19, 1989, in Washington, D.C.
10-year Record of Learning Factual List of Activities and Investigated Topics, and of People Who Contributed to Them
The Partnership Approach to Siting and Developing Radioactive Waste Management Facilities
The Partnership Approach to Siting and Developing Radioactive Waste Management Facilities
History shows that the search for sites for radioactive waste management facilities has been marred by conflicts and delays. Affected communities have often objected that their concerns and interests were not addressed. In response, institutions have progressively turned away from the traditional “decide, announce and defend” model, and are learning to “engage, interact and co-operate”. This shift has fostered the emergence of partnerships between the proponent of the facility and the potential host community, as shown in a recent NEA study.
From Information and Consultation to Citizen Influence and Power: 10-year Evolution in Public Involvement in Radioactive Waste Management
Identifying remaining socio-technical challenges at the national level: Slovenia
Identifying remaining socio-technical challenges at the national level: Slovenia
The use of nuclear energy has a strong tradition in Slovenia. In 1949 the Institute Josef Stefan was founded, devoted to research in physics, with great emphasis on nuclear physics. A few years later (1966) the research nuclear reactor TRIGA started to work in the vicinity of capital city Ljubljana, to support its research.
Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning in Italy
Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning in Italy
Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning in Korea
Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning in Korea
WP 2 Appendix 10 Balance of Power: Principles and Good Practices for Local Stakeholders to Influence National Decision-making Processes
WP 2 Appendix 10 Balance of Power: Principles and Good Practices for Local Stakeholders to Influence National Decision-making Processes
Our basic position is that the outcomes of policy-making in radioactive waste management (RWM) should be driven by the will of the people through democratic processes. Achieving this inclusiveness requires good practices to increase local influence on what is essentially a national policy process. However inclusiveness poses significant practical problems; can society afford lengthy and costly consultation processes, often perceived as inefficient and ineffective?
Aspects of Governance in the Practical Implementation of the Concept of Reversibility for Deep Geological Disposal
Aspects of Governance in the Practical Implementation of the Concept of Reversibility for Deep Geological Disposal
The European project COWAM in Practice (CIP) was aimed to lead for three years (2007-2009) a process of monitoring, analyzing and evaluating the governance linked with radioactive waste management. This project, in cooperation with a research group and stakeholders, was conducted in parallel in 5 European countries (Spain, France, United Kingdom, Romania, Slovenia).
Geological Problems in Radioactive Waste Isolation A WORLD WIDE REVIEW
Geological Problems in Radioactive Waste Isolation A WORLD WIDE REVIEW
The problem of isolating radioactive wastes from the biosphere presents specialists in the fields of earth sciences with some of the most complicated problems they have ever encountered. This is especially true for high level waste (HLW) which must be isolated in the underground and away from the biosphere for thousands of years.
WP 2 Appendix 1 Stakeholders
WP 2 Appendix 1 Stakeholders
European-level Guidelines for the Inclusive Governance of Radioactive Waste Management
European-level Guidelines for the Inclusive Governance of Radioactive Waste Management
CIP (Community Waste Management In Practice) is a research action gathering a wide spectrum of stakeholders from five European countries, interested in how society should manage the radioactive wastes that result from nuclear power production and/or from medical, military or industrial applications.
WP 2 Appendix 9 Principles and Good Practices for Local Actors to Influence National Decision-Making Processes
WP 2 Appendix 9 Principles and Good Practices for Local Actors to Influence National Decision-Making Processes
The outcomes of policy-making in radioactive waste management (RWM) should be driven by the will of the people through democratic processes. Achieving this inclusiveness requires good practices to increase local influence on what is essentially a national policy process. However inclusiveness poses significant practical problems; can society afford lengthy and costly consultation processes, often perceived as inefficient and ineffective?
Final Report: Influence of Local Actors on National Decision-making Processes WP2
Final Report: Influence of Local Actors on National Decision-making Processes WP2
Work Package 2 (WP2) focused on the ways in which local stakeholders can influence national decision-making processes on radioactive waste management (RWM). The participants in WP2 were particularly interested in examining how local stakeholders could contribute to national debates. Their interest stemmed from the fact that participants from France, Spain and the United Kingdom — who made up the majority of the WP2 group — were engaged, as stakeholders, in the decision-making processes that were under way in each of those countries.
Brief 3: Community Benefits and Support Packages
Brief 3: Community Benefits and Support Packages
The Brief introduces the concept of ‘Community Benefit and Support Packages’ following requests from a number of National Stakeholder Groups (NSGs) for more information on this issue. During the development of the Brief presentations were made to NSG meetings in Romania (June 2009), Slovenia (October 2009) and the UK (September 2008, September 2009). Some information specific to the UK from the Brief was also presented in Spain (November 2008).
Tools for Local Stakeholders in Radioactive Waste Governance: Challenges and Benefits of Selected PTA Techniques WP1
Tools for Local Stakeholders in Radioactive Waste Governance: Challenges and Benefits of Selected PTA Techniques WP1
The investigation consists of three parts and shall provide an input to the – empirical – PTA-2 study to be undertaken by SCK•CEN (called “lens”):<br>A. Compilation of – selected – existing PTA methods and procedures identifying requisites, practices, benefits, and challenges to answer the key questions in the context of WP1 about a PTA “toolbox”: “What can you apply, when can you apply, and what is needed to apply?” The multi-dimensional context of a possible “PTA situation” is analysed; suitable and nonsuitable methods, techniques and procedures are discussed.<br>B.