slides - Cumulative Impact of Industry and NRC Actions
slides - Cumulative Impact of Industry and NRC Actions
Presented at the NEI Used Fuel Management Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, May 7-9, 2013
Presented at the NEI Used Fuel Management Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, May 7-9, 2013
The Interim Staff Guidance on burnup credit for pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF), issued by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (U.S. NRC) Spent Fuel Project Office, recommends the use of analyses that provide an "adequate representation of the physics" and notes particular concern with the "need to consider the more reactive actinide compositions of fuels burned with fixed absorbers or with control rods fully or partly inserted." In the absence of readily available information on the extent of control rod (CR) usage in U.S.
The success of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program of the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) is critical to U.S. ability to manage and dispose of
nuclear waste safely--and to the reestablishment of confidence in the nuclear energy
option in the United States. The program must conform with all applicable standards
and, in fact, set the example for a national policy on the safe disposal of radioactive
The Secretary of Energy has recently completed an extensive review of the
The results of the MCNP criticality safety calculations described in this document are presented in Section 7.1. Based on the results presented attributes of the TAD canister-based systems that are important to ensuring their subcriticality are established. These attributes can be categorized according to the criticality control parameter that is impacted. Based on the categorization presented it is seen that moderation control is the underlying criticality control parameter for TAD canister-based systems containing CSNF with a maximum initial enrichment of 5 wt.% 235U/U.
Goal: Secure the Benefits, Limit the Risk
The extent to which nuclear power will be a broadly accepted option for meeting future global energy needs depends upon cost, safety, waste management and the ability to limit the associated proliferation risks. While all four considerations are important, this report exclusively examines proliferation risks.
The nuclear energy industry is committed to legislative reform to create a sustainable, integrated program for federal government management of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) high-level radioactive waste and commercial used nuclear fuel.
The paper discusses issues and options for improving the budgeting and financial management
of the Nuclear Waste Fund (NWF). The issues and options would facilitate implementation of
any changes in program scope and content, or any changes in organization and management
structure. .
The three issues for possible administrative action include:
1. Instituting financial management enhancements to foster multi-year budgeting and
appropriations; combined accrual and cash budgeting; and separate capital budgeting;
The purpose of this study is to provide insights into the neutronic similarities that may exist between a
generic cask containing typical spent nuclear fuel assemblies and commercial reactor critical (CRC) state-
points. Forty CRC state-points from five pressurized-water reactors were selected for the study and the
type of CRC state-points that may be applicable for validation of burnup credit criticality safety
calculations for spent fuel transport/storage/disposal systems are identified. The study employed cross-
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) is responsible for all spent fuels and high-level wastes (HLW) that will eventually be disposed of in a geologic repository. The purpose of this document, and the information contained in the associated computerized data bases and supporting technical reports, is to provide the technical characteristics of the radioactive waste materials that will (or may) be accepted by DOE for interim storage in an MRS or emplacement in a repository as developed under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act Amendment of 1987.
A conservative end effect keff bias curve for actinide-only burnup credit casks is presented
in this paper. Rather than performing axially burnup-dependent analysis, cask designers can, if
they choose to, analyze casks with a uniform axial burnup (at assembly average burnup value) and
add the keff bias values to conservatively bound the actinide-only end effect. Earlier studies
suggested 1-3% increase in keff to account for the end effect, but they included fission products
as well as actinides for their analyses.
The main question before the Transportation and Storage Subcommittee was whether the United States
should change its approach to storing and transporting spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level
radioactive waste (HLW) while one or more permanent disposal facilities are established.
To answer this question and to develop specific recommendations and options for consideration by the
full Commission, the Subcommittee held multiple meetings and deliberative sessions, visited several
The Interim Staff Guidance on burnup credit (ISG-8, revision 2) for pressurized-water-reactor spent
nuclear fuel in storage and transport casks, issued in 2002 by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s
Spent Fuel Project Office, recommends an out-of-core burnup measurement to confirm the reactor record
and compliance with the assembly burnup value used for cask loading acceptance. This recommendation
is intended to prevent unauthorized loading (i.e., misloading) of assemblies due to inaccuracies in reactor
America’s nuclear waste management program is at an impasse. The Obama Administration’s decision
to halt work on a repository at Yucca Mountain in Nevada is but the latest indicator of a policy that has
been troubled for decades and has now all but completely broken down. The approach laid out under
the 1987 Amendments to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA)—which tied the entire U.S. high-level
waste management program to the fate of the Yucca Mountain site—has not worked to produce a
Dear Mr. President:
At your direction, the Secretary of Energy established the Blue Ribbon Commission on
America’s Nuclear Future to review policies for managing the back end of the nuclear
fuel cycle and recommend a new strategy. We are pleased to be serving as Co‐
Chairmen of the Commission, and we are writing to you to highlight an important action
we strongly believe should be reflected in your Fiscal Year 2013 baseline budget
In our draft report to the Secretary, issued in July of this year, the Commission
Dear Members of the South Carolina Congressional Delegation:
Thank you all for your letter of October 27th. We appreciate hearing your views on the
Yucca Mountain project, the safety benefits of deep geologic disposal, and the
importance of the retaining the H Canyon facility at the Department of Energy’s
Savannah River Site.
In our draft report, the Commission finds that deep geologic disposal is an essential
component of a comprehensive nuclear waste management system. Your comments
At the request of the staff to the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future (“BRC”), we have reviewed the following questions:
1. Is there legal authority for DOE or any other entity to undertake to site a repository for “co-mingled” nuclear materials (i.e., civilian and defense spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level radioactive waste (HLW)) at any site other than Yucca Mountain?
This report presents the results of computer code benchmark simulations against spent fuel radiochemical assay
measurements from the Kansai Electric Ltd. Takahama-3 reactor published by the Japan Atomic Energy
Research Institute. Takahama-3 is a pressurized-water reactor that operates with a 17 × 17 fuel-assembly design.
Spent fuel samples were obtained from assemblies operated for 2 and 3 cycles and achieved a maximum burnup
of 47 GWd/MTU. Radiochemical analyses were performed on two rods having an initial enrichment of
The purpose of this calculation is to establish the relative change in the effective neutron multiplication factor (k-eff) due to the use of MCNP unique identifiers used in the paper, Nuclear Criticality Calculations for Canister-Based Facilities - DOE SNF, that are different from the MCNP unique identifiers used in the paper, Analysis of Critical Benchmark Experiments and Critical Limit Calculation for DOE SNF.
The objective of Calculation of Isotopic Bias and Uncertainty for BWR SNF is to quantify the computational bias and uncertainty in the multiplication factor (keff) to be used for Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) spent nuclear fuel (SNF) burn-up credit. The scope of this bias and uncertainty determination covers 38 different radiochemical assay (RCA) spent fuel samples from 14 different fuel assemblies that were irradiated in four different BWRs. The irradiated fuel samples evaluated span an enrichment range of 2.53 weight percent U-235 through 3.95 weight percent U-235.
he U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulates storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from commercial nuclear power plants. An increasing amount of the SNF in storage is in dry storage systems, mostly at current and decommissioned plants. As directed by the Commission (in SRM-COMSECY-10-0007; December 6, 2010), in expectation of continued use of dry storage for extended periods of time, the NRC staff is examining the technical needs and potential changes to the regulatory framework that may be needed to continue licensing of SNF storage over periods beyond 120 years.
Since a 1985 decision by President Reagan that a separate permanent repository for disposal of
defense high level waste was not required1, DOE has planned for disposal of all high-level waste
and spent fuel from national defense activities and DOE’s own research activities in a repository
for commercial waste developed under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA). The Commission
has heard recommendations from some commenters2 that this decision be revisited, or even
The objective of this calculation is to evaluate commercial spent nuclear fuel (CSNF) bumup uncertainty based on pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) records kept by each utility. The bumup uncertainties will be used to adjust either the waste package loading curves or the bumup values of assemblies shipped to the repository.
This engineering calculation supports the burnup credit methodology in Reference 1 and is performed in accordance with the AREVAIFANP procedures in References 2 and 3.
The Interim Staff Guidance on burnup credit issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Spent Fuel Project Office recommends restricting the use of burnup credit to assemblies that have not used burnable absorbers. This restriction eliminates a large portion of the currently discharged spent fuel assemblies from cask loading, and thus severely limits the practical usefulness of burnup credit.
The Materials Characterization Center (MCC) at Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) has the responsibility to select appropriate spent fuel Approved Testing Materials (ATMs) and to characterize, via hot-cell studies, certain detailed properties of the discharged fuel. The purpose of this report isto develop a collective description of the entire spent fuel inventory in terms of various fuel properties relevant to ATMs using information available from the Characteristics Data Base (CDB), which is sponsored by the U.S.