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Siting Experience Documents Only
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Decay Heat of Selected DOE-Managed Waste Materials
Decay Heat of Selected DOE-Managed Waste Materials
SNF Modeling and Testing - LANL (FY21)
SNF Modeling and Testing - LANL (FY21)
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Dual-Purpose Canister Filling Demonstration Project Progress Report
Contribution to L2 Milestone: SNL Overall Control Account
Contribution to L2 Milestone: SNL Overall Control Account
Public Preferences Related to Consent-Based Siting of Radioactive Waste Management Facilities for Storage and Disposal: Analyzing Variations over Time, Events, and Program Designs ?
Public Preferences Related to Consent-Based Siting of Radioactive Waste Management Facilities for Storage and Disposal: Analyzing Variations over Time, Events, and Program Designs ?
Sequestration of radioactive iodine in silver-palladium phases incommercial spent nuclear fuel
Sequestration of radioactive iodine in silver-palladium phases incommercial spent nuclear fuel
Public Views about Storage and Disposal Options for Spent Nuclear Fuel. Energy and Environment Survey, 2017
Public Views about Storage and Disposal Options for Spent Nuclear Fuel. Energy and Environment Survey, 2017
Decay Heat of Selected DOE-Managed Waste Materials
Decay Heat of Selected DOE-Managed Waste Materials
A Comprehensive Monte Carlo Sampling Uncertainty Quantification Methodology for Used Nuclear Fuel
A Comprehensive Monte Carlo Sampling Uncertainty Quantification Methodology for Used Nuclear Fuel
Categorization of Used Nuclear Fuel
Categorization of Used Nuclear Fuel
Experimental Results for SimFuels
Experimental Results for SimFuels
Status of Progress Made Toward Preliminary Design Concepts for the Inventory in Select Media for DOE-Managed HLW/SNF
Status of Progress Made Toward Preliminary Design Concepts for the Inventory in Select Media for DOE-Managed HLW/SNF
Concepts for Small-Scale Testing of Used Nuclear Fuel
Concepts for Small-Scale Testing of Used Nuclear Fuel
Online Waste Library (OWL) and Waste Forms Characteristics Annual Report
Online Waste Library (OWL) and Waste Forms Characteristics Annual Report
UNF-ST&DARDS Documentation Release 3.0
UNF-ST&DARDS Documentation Release 3.0
Intergenerational Ethical Issues and Communication Related to High-Level Nuclear Waste Repositories
Intergenerational Ethical Issues and Communication Related to High-Level Nuclear Waste Repositories
Purpose of Review: The nuclear power industry started in the 1950s and has now reached a phase of disposing high-level nuclear waste. Since the 1980s, the United Nations has developed a concept of sustainable development and governments have accordingly made ethical commitments to take responsibility towards future generations. The purpose of this review is to examine ethical dilemmas related to high-level nuclear waste disposal in a long-term perspective including potential access to the waste in the future.
Science based responses to social myths on nuclear energy
Science based responses to social myths on nuclear energy
In order to promote a sound basis for considering the role of nuclear in climate change, this review spans the technical topics of social and political debate surrounding nuclear energy with a focus on the objective science of these issues including nuclear waste, accidents and overall risk. Novel aspects include the emergence of nuclear energy as being potentially renewable and the antithesis of Fukushima being an argument for the unacceptable risks associated with the use of nuclear energy.
Survey of National Programs for Managing High-Level Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel: 2022 Update
Survey of National Programs for Managing High-Level Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel: 2022 Update
In October 2009, the U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (Board or NWTRB) published Survey of National Programs for Managing High-Level Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel. For each of the 13 national programs studied, the report catalogued 15 institutional arrangements that had been set in place and 15 technical approaches that had been taken to design repository systems for the long-term management of high-activity radioactive waste.