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Summary Results for Brine Migration Modeling Performed by LANL, LBNL, and SNL for the UFD Program
Summary Results for Brine Migration Modeling Performed by LANL, LBNL, and SNL for the UFD Program
Modeling Coupled THM Processes and Brine Migration in Salt at High Temperatures
Modeling Coupled THM Processes and Brine Migration in Salt at High Temperatures
Report on Modeling Coupled Processes in the Near Field of a Clay Repository
Report on Modeling Coupled Processes in the Near Field of a Clay Repository
Fluid Flow Modeling in Representative Media
Fluid Flow Modeling in Representative Media
Radionuclide Interaction and Transport in Representative Geologic Media
Radionuclide Interaction and Transport in Representative Geologic Media
The On-line Waste Library (OWL): Usage and Inventory Status Report
The On-line Waste Library (OWL): Usage and Inventory Status Report
Modeling Fluid Flow in Natural Systems: Model Validation and Demonstration
Modeling Fluid Flow in Natural Systems: Model Validation and Demonstration
Brine Migration Experimental Studies for Salt Repositories
Brine Migration Experimental Studies for Salt Repositories
Fluid Flow Model Development for Representative Geologic Media
Fluid Flow Model Development for Representative Geologic Media
Knowledge Management Analysis for Content Migration
Knowledge Management Analysis for Content Migration
Nuclear Waste Facility Siting Experience Database Content and Structure
Nuclear Waste Facility Siting Experience Database Content and Structure
Implementation of Baseline Services of the NWM IT Cloud Environment
Implementation of Baseline Services of the NWM IT Cloud Environment
Brine Migration Experimental Studies for Salt Repositories
Brine Migration Experimental Studies for Salt Repositories
Socio-technical multi-criteria evaluation of long-term spent nuclear fuel management strategies: A framework and method
Socio-technical multi-criteria evaluation of long-term spent nuclear fuel management strategies: A framework and method
In the absence of a federal geologic repository or consolidated, interim storage in the United States, commercial spent fuel will remain stranded at some 75 sites across the country. Currently, these include 18 “orphaned sites” where spent fuel has been left at decommissioned reactor sites.
Shared Yet Contested: Energy Democracy Counter-Narratives
Shared Yet Contested: Energy Democracy Counter-Narratives
Conventional ways of communicating about the transition to renewable energy in North America presuppose that energy systems can be changed while sustaining existing social, political, and economic relations. Energy democracy counters such ostensibly apolitical narratives by emphasizing the socially transformative potential of this transition. Yet energy democracy, as both organizing principle and social movement, is itself increasingly recognized as flexible and contested.
Public controversies and the Pragmatics of Protest: Toward a Ballistics of collective action
Public controversies and the Pragmatics of Protest: Toward a Ballistics of collective action
By using long run case studies and comparative analysis, I will address different processes by which alerts and criticisms are taken seriously by different actors and lead them to transform or to defend devices, norms and institutions. To deal with this kind of process, I will present an analytical model which runs on the recent controversies about radioactivity, GMOs and nanotechnologies. For many years, these fields have been marked by struggles in which scientific arguments are seldom dominant but are nevertheless relevant.
Energy Democracies and Publics in the Making: A Relational Agenda for Research and Practice
Energy Democracies and Publics in the Making: A Relational Agenda for Research and Practice
Mainstream approaches to energy democracy and public engagement with energy transitions tend to adopt specific, pre-given meanings of both “democracy” and “publics.” Different approaches impose prescriptive assumptions about the model of participation, the identity of public participants, and what it means to participate well.
Citizens, amateurs, volunteers: Conceptual struggles in studies of citizen science
Citizens, amateurs, volunteers: Conceptual struggles in studies of citizen science
The goal of this literature review is to bring together the different concepts, respective definitions and perspectives that have been used to study the participation of non-professionals in scientific activities. We start by presenting a short definition of citizen science and the perceived benefits of such approaches to the production of scientific knowledge. We then clarify the difference between today’s citizen science projects and their ancestors in the field sciences by highlighting technological and social changes.
Embedding Environmental Justice into the Washington State Department of Ecology: Promising Practices for Advancing Equity and Environmental Justice
Embedding Environmental Justice into the Washington State Department of Ecology: Promising Practices for Advancing Equity and Environmental Justice
The purpose of this report is to equip the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) with evidence-based recommendations to further equity and environmental justice (EJ) efforts within their capacity as the state’s environmental regulatory agency, in service of advancing EJ for those who live, work, and play in Washington. This report is intended to share promising trends and tools, acknowledge common barriers and ideas for overcoming those barriers, elevate successes, and amplify equitable practices for defining, measuring, mobilizing, and sustaining meaningful EJ work.
Free Prior and Informed Consent: An indigenous peoples’ right and a good practice for local communities
Free Prior and Informed Consent: An indigenous peoples’ right and a good practice for local communities
This Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Manual is designed as a tool for project practitioners (herein referred as project managers) for a broad range of projects and programmes (hereinafter to be referred to as projects) of any development organization, by providing information about the right to FPIC and how it can be implemented in six steps.
How the Concept of Dignity Is Relevant to the Study of Energy Poverty and Energy Justice
How the Concept of Dignity Is Relevant to the Study of Energy Poverty and Energy Justice
Since the concept of energy poverty first emerged, studies have combined normative orientations, analytical approaches and policy review to engage with energy deprivation as a problematic feature of contemporary societies. Over the past decade, this scholarship has aimed to conceptualize the normative grounds for critique, empirical work and policy design when engaging with the interplay of social life and energy systems.
Expanding the Conceptual and Analytical Basis of Energy Justice: Beyond the Three-Tenet Framework
Expanding the Conceptual and Analytical Basis of Energy Justice: Beyond the Three-Tenet Framework
Energy justice is now an established research topic in the field of energy policy. Despite the growing popularity of energy justice research, however, conceptual and analytical frameworks used in the field have remained limited. This paper reviews the prevailing three-tenet framework of energy justice which has shaped the current discourse based on the three dimensions—distributional, procedural, and recognition justice.
Interim Storage, Environmental Justice, and Generational Equity
Interim Storage, Environmental Justice, and Generational Equity
With the termination of the Yucca Mountain project, which was proposed to be our nation’s first repository for the disposal of military and civilian spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste, the future of nuclear waste management and disposal in this country became increasingly uncertain. Interim storage has been advocated by many as a temporary solution while a permanent solution is studied for potentially several more decades to come.
The Community Guide to Environmental Justice and NEPA Methods provides information for communities who want to assure that their environmental justice (EJ) issues are adequately considered when there is a Federal agency action that may involve environmental impacts on minority populations, low-income populations, and/or Indian tribes and indigenous communities. Such Federal actions include: