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Analysis of Critical Benchmark Experiments for Configurations External to WP

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32-5045840-00_DOC.20040701.0003.pdf (5.27 MB) 5.27 MB
32-5045840-01_DOC.20050125.0011.pdf (247.19 KB) 247.19 KB

The Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report (Reference 1) states that the accuracy of the criticality analysis methodology (MCNP Monte Carlo code and cross-section data) designated to assess the potential for criticality of various configurations in the Yucca Mountain proposed repository is established by evaluating appropriately selected benchmark critical experiments.
The purpose of this calculation is to select and review the critical benchmark experiments that are appropriate for the validation of the criticality calculational methodology that is to be used for assessing the criticality potential of the configurations external to the waste package. For the benchmark experiments associated with each group of external configurations, a lower bound tolerance limit is evaluated using the methodology described in Reference 1. The lower bound tolerance limit is derived from the bias and uncertainties associated with the employed criticality code and the modeling process of the critical experiments.

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