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Aging and Phase Stability of Waste Package Outer Barrier

This report was prepared in accordance with Technical Work Plan for: Regulatory Integration Modeling and Analysis of the Waste Form and Waste Package (BSC 2004 [DIRS 171583]). This report provides information on the phase stability of Alloy 221, the current waste package outer barrier material. The goal of this model is to determine whether the single-phase solid solution is stable under repository conditions and, if not, how fast other phases may precipitate.

Waste Package, LCE, CRC, and Radiochemical Assay Comparison Evaluation

The purpose of this calculation is to document the validity of the commercial reactor criticals (CRC) as a source for a spent nuclear fuel benchmark, and to characterize the neutronic similarities between a CRC and a waste package (WP). This report illustrates comparisons of neutron spectrum and the effects on criticality arising from physical differences between a WP and a CRC. This report is an engineering calculation supporting the development of the disposal criticality analysis methodology, performed under Quality Administrative Procedure (QAP)-3-15 Revision 0.

Analysis of Dust Deliquescence for FEP Screening

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the potential for penetration of the Alloy 22 (UNS N06022) waste package outer barrier by localized corrosion due to the deliquescence of soluble constituents in dust present on waste package surfaces. The results support a recommendation to exclude deliquescence-induced localized corrosion (pitting or crevice corrosion) of the outer barrier from the total system performance assessment for the license application (TSPA-LA).

Waste Packages and Source Terms for the Commercial 1999 Design Basis Waste Streams

This calculation is prepared by the Monitored Geologic Repository Waste Package Requirements & Integration Department. The purpose of this calculation is to compile source term and commercial waste stream information for use in the analysis of waste package (WP) designs for commercial fuel. Information presented will consist of the number of WPs, source terms, metric tons of uranium, and the average characteristics of assemblies to be placed in each WP design. The source terms provide thermal output, radiation sources, and radionuclide inventories.

Analysis of Critical Benchmark Experiments for Configurations External to WP

The Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report (Reference 1) states that the accuracy of the criticality analysis methodology (MCNP Monte Carlo code and cross-section data) designated to assess the potential for criticality of various configurations in the Yucca Mountain proposed repository is established by evaluating appropriately selected benchmark critical experiments.

Probabilistic Criticality Consequence Evaluation

This analysis is prepared by the Mined Geologic Disposal System (MGDS) Waste Package Development (WPD) department with the objective of providing a comprehensive, conservative estimate of the consequences of the criticality which could possibly occur as the result of commercial spent nuclear fuel emplaced in the underground repository at Yucca Mountain. The consequences of criticality are measured principally in terms of the resulting changes in radionuclide inventory as a function of the power level and duration of the criticality.

PWR Axial Profile Evaluation

This calculation compares results from criticality evaluations for a 21-assembly pressurized water reactor (PWR) waste package based on 12 axial burnup profile representations for commercial spent nuclear fuel (SNF) assemblies. The burnup profiles encompass the axial variations caused by different fuel assembly irradiation histories in a commercial PWR, including end effects, and the concomitant effect on reactivity in the waste package. The bounding axial burnup profiles in Table T of reference 6.3 are used for this analysis.

DHLW Glass Waste Package Criticality Analysis

This analysis is prepared by the Mined Geologic Disposal System (MGDS) Waste Package Development Department (WPDD) to determine the viability of the Defense High-Level Waste (DHLW) Glass waste package concept with respect to criticality regulatory requirements in compliance with the goals of the Waste Package Implementation Plan (Ref. 5.1) for conceptual design. These design calculations are performed in sufficient detail to provide a comprehensive comparison base with other design alternatives.

Criticality Analysis of Pu and U accumulations in a Tuff Fracture Network

The objective of this analysis is to evaluate accumulations within the thermally altered tuff surrounding a drift. The evaluation examines accumulation of Uranium minerals (sddyite), Plutonium oxide (Pu2O), and combinations of these materials. A hypothetical model of the tuff is used to provide insight into the factors that affect criticality for this near-field scenario. The factors examined include: the size of the accumulation, the fissile composition of the accumulation, the water of clayey material in the accumulation and the water fraction in the tuff.

Intact and Degraded Mode Criticality Calculations for the Codisposal of ATR Spent Nuclear Fuel in a Waste Package

The objective of this calculation is to perform intact and degraded mode criticality evaluations of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) placed in the DOE standardized SNF canister. This analysis evaluates the codisposal of the DOE SNF canister containing the ATR SNF in a 5-Defense High-Level Waste (5-DHLW) Short Waste Package (WP) (Bechtel SAIC Company, LLC [BSC] 2004a), which is to be placed in a monitored geologic repository (MGR).

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