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An Approach for Validating Actinide and Fission Product Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analyses--Isotopic Composition Predictions

Radulescu, G.
Gauld, I. C.
Ilas, G.
Wagner, J. C.
Publication Date

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NUREG_CR_7108.pdf (2.47 MB) 2.47 MB

Taking credit for the reduced reactivity of spent nuclear fuel in criticality analyses is referred to
as burnup credit. Criticality safety evaluations employing burnup credit require validation of the
depletion and criticality calculation methods and computer codes with available measurement
data. To address the issues of burnup credit criticality validation, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission initiated a project with Oak Ridge National Laboratory to (1) develop and establish
a validation approach for commercial spent nuclear fuel criticality safety evaluations based on
best-available data and methods and (2) apply the approach on representative spent nuclear
fuel storage and transport systems and conditions to demonstrate its usage and applicability, as
well as to provide reference bias and bias uncertainty results. This report describes an approach
for establishing depletion code bias and bias uncertainty in terms of a reactivity difference based
on comparison of measured and calculated nuclide concentrations.

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