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[AREVA] Task Order 17 - Cask Design Study Final Report

AREVA Federal Services LLC
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Under Task Order 17 of the industry Advisory and Assistance Contract to the Department of
Energy (DOE) DE-NE0000291, the AREVA Team has provided a conceptual design for a
reusable transportation cask (the 6625B-HB) capable of transporting BWR and PWR used
nuclear fuel (UNF) assemblies, including high burnup UNF. These assemblies can be shipped
either as bare fuel or fuel loaded into damaged fuel canisters (DFCs). The 6625B-HB cask has
been designed with reasonable assurance it can be licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) under 10 CFR 71, fabricated within existing facilities, used by most utilities,
and transported by rail. The level of detail is intended to provide support to the analyses and
planning activities DOE is performing to support the waste management system. These details
include cask characteristics (e.g., capacity, dimensions, and masses), characteristics of the UNF
that can be shipped in this cask system, estimates of costs of this cask system, an assessment of
operational activity durations and associated cumulative doses for loading and unloading this
cask system, and identification of potential limitations or anticipated licensing considerations of
relevance for this cask system.

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