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BLUE RIBBON COMMISSION – Request for Information

Blue Ribbon Commission
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blue_ribbon_request_1-6-2010_final.pdf (340.85 KB) 340.85 KB

o Request: The current balance of the Nuclear Waste Fund (NWF).
o Response: The balance of the Nuclear Waste Fund $24.56 billion as of November 2010. (Source: U.S. DOE OCRWM Annual Financial Report for Years Ended September 30, 2010 and 2009)
o Request: The NWF fee projections of future fee receipts.
o Response: The following table provides projections of future spent fuel disposal fee receipts. (Source: 2008 Fee Adequacy analysis, based on projected spent nuclear fuel discharges, including discharges from the 47 reactors with license extensions as of January 2007 totaling 109,300 MTHM CSNF; no new nuclear plants, and a National Adjustment Factor of 95.5% and a continuation of the one-mill/kilowatt hour fee without adjustment)


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