Centralized InterimStorage Facility Topical Safety Report
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The Centralized Interim Storage Facility (CISF) is designed as a temporary, above-ground away-from-reactor spent fuel storage installation for up to 40,000 metric tons of uranium (MTU). The design is non-site-specific but incorporates conservative environmental and design factors (e.g., 360 mph tornado and 0.75 g seismic loading) intended to be capable of bounding subsequent site-specific factors. Spent fuel is received in dual-purpose canister systems and/or casks already approved for transportation and storage by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). A transfer building is provided for shielded transfer of canisters between transport overpacks and storage overpacks for those systems not providing for direct yard transfer. Facility design and operations are intended to be flexible enough to allow for the addition of new vendor system designs, based on reasonable extrapolation of present systems, subsequent to their approval by the NRC. The design, operations and safety analyses are presented in the topical safety analysis report (TSAR).