Enrico Fermi Fast Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Criticality Calculations: Intact Mode
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BBA000000-01717-0210-00037_MOL.19990125.0079.pdf (3.59 MB) | 3.59 MB |
The purpose of this calculation is to perform intact mode and partially degraded mode criticality evaluations of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Enrico Fermi (EF) Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) co-disposed in a 5 Defense High-Level Waste (5-DHLW) Waste Package (WP) and emplaced in a Monitored Geologic Repository (MGR). The criticality evaluations estimate the values of the effective neutron multiplication factor, keff, as a measure of nuclear criticality potential, for the 5- DHLW/DOE SNF WP with intact or partially degraded internal configurations. These evaluations contribute to the WP design.
This document has been prepared in accordance with Procedure NLP-3-27, REV 1, Engineering Calculations, and is subject to the Quality Assurance Requirements and Description (QARD) Document (Ref. 7.16).